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Magyar Szezonösszefoglaló Eduardoval Vége. Vége a 2. szezonnak. Tóth Eduardo 20 évesen a 2. szezonját teljesítette a méltán elismert F-3 Afrika sorozatban. Magáról a szezonról, a közeljövőről és az A1 GP-ről kérdeztük a fiatal magyart. Boxutca: Ismét itt vagyunk. Vége a szezonnak, am...
le 2015-03-30 10:59:23 par Randy22 - J'aime: 2 | Score: 3.72)
English The Phone Is Ringing... ... And the call was answered. When asked who they believed would be best suited to lead the GB National Motorsport Association, an unprecedented show of support for all candidates saw veteran manager Adamski come out on top. "I am a little s...
le 2015-03-30 03:00:25 par Adamski - J'aime: 8 | Score: 13.95)
English Meet Wais Vè Kuba... After Wais Kalembene getting out of the car for the final time at F3 World Series Finale in Macau, I'm proud to announce that Wais Vè Kuba will race in the F3 American Series, making him the youngest to enter. He also took part in 7 F3 Single Races t...
le 2015-03-29 19:19:03 par ThatFPM8Guy - J'aime: 2 | Score: 3.57)
English Some good progress After another myracingcareer year, we look to review how the season went for R.Headington and what lies ahead in the future. S12 F2 Oceania Series This was a bitter-sweat Series for us. On the one hand, we came a very strong 3rd after a fant...
le 2015-03-29 18:30:50 par RH0258 - J'aime: 4 | Score: 7.06)
Deutsch National Motorsport Association - Deutschland Guten Tag, Bis zum 29.03.15 (23Uhr) sind die Wahlen für den Präsidenten der National Motorsport Association - Deutschland aktiv! Unterstützt unseren Kanidaten ScinnyBlueund stimmt für ihn. Wie? Geht einfach in das Menu und dann auf Welt, dann seht...
le 2015-03-29 15:16:11 par ScinnyBlue - J'aime: 1 | Score: 1.20)
English Audi Motorsports Welcomes F1 Rule Stability In a meeting last night the Committee Of Internal iNvestigation Towards Optimum Strategic Strategy (C.O.I.N.T.O.S.S.) decided after hours of debate and discussion decided that the current F1 rules and technology should remain the unchanged until at l...
le 2015-03-29 11:16:08 par thedonz - J'aime: 10 | Score: 16.67)
English [F1] THE JAGWAR ROARS LOUDER THAN EVER...AND NOW IT TWEETS!!! You read it right: WAR now has a Twiter account up and running, a courtesy of our fan Dobbi. You can follow the latest news about the team at! Race results, new livery, projects, facility upgrades, even non-MRC stuff will be the...
le 2015-03-28 20:19:53 par blazefp - J'aime: 6 | Score: 10.87)
Čeština malá hvězdička „Dan Daniel“ Musím reagovat :) První odstavec je pravdivý a snad každý si udělá špatně prvního jezdce. Ok, lehce jsem ti poradil, ale ty si to prakticky nikdy nepotřeboval. Když jsem viděl jak těžké série si vybíráš, tak jsem se zhrozil, ale vyšlo to. Vyšlo... n...
le 2015-03-28 17:23:24 par KazikluBey - J'aime: 10 | Score: 13.66)
Čeština Jak může i lama pod zkušeným vedením zabodovat aneb shrnutí dosavadních 2 a půl sezony na MRC Když jsem se náhodou jednou na diskusi jednoho nejmenovaného slovenského sportovního multimanageru dočetl, že existuje jeden manager, kde počet online lidí stále stoupá, neváhal jsem a napsal poštu Kazikovi o adresu. Po registraci, prvotním shlédnut...
le 2015-03-28 13:29:05 par PDBobr - J'aime: 9 | Score: 11.75)
Português, Brasil Lembrete: Votação para a Associação Nacional Pessoal, volto aqui só para lembrá-los da votação! O voto de vocês é muito importante para todos os candidatos! Vocês podem escolher o seu candidato passando o mouse sobre o "Menu" das bandeirinhas quadriculadas. Depois clique no ícone &...
le 2015-03-28 06:00:55 par jeansapia - J'aime: 1 | Score: 1.85)
Italiano Conclusione ottima per Bagnasco nella sua serie Ottimo fine di Serie per Bagnasco che nelle ultime due gare dell'Hungaroring ha siglato un 9° e un 4° posto riuscendo così a sopravanzare Berardi,suo connazionale, nella classifica piloti!!! Quindi grande miglioramento del novellino Sammarinese che ...
le 2015-03-27 19:09:52 par Bagna - J'aime: 4 | Score: 1.94)
Français Quatre pilotes français qualifiés en trophée des champions ! Pour la seconde saison consécutive, la France sera représentée par 4 pilotes au prestigieux trophée des champions. Les 4 pilotes sont -évidemment- issus de la filière Red Bull Vaillante. Nos champions sont donc : l'actuel champion et quadruple va...
le 2015-03-27 11:11:52 par Krinkle - J'aime: 5 | Score: 8.19)
Italiano Confalonieri dopo il GP di Tianma: "It's about damn time!" Giusto per citare uno dei suoi idoli sportivi di tutto il mondo, Omar Confalonieri ha debuttato così nell'intervista post-gara qualche ora fa, in quel di Tianma. Dopo una corsa abbastanza rocambolesca, che lo ha visto entrare per la prima volta in ca...
le 2015-03-26 21:03:31 par Sweatshirt - J'aime: 3 | Score: 0.36)
English 9 free spaces for next season's F2 Oceanic Series As the F2 regional series got finalised today, only 21 drivers are confirmed to be taking part in the F2 Oceanic Series. This is disappointing and I hope that over the next couple of days these spaces will be filled. No-one likes a depleted grid, a...
le 2015-03-26 19:38:37 par RH0258 - J'aime: 3 | Score: 4.60)
Português, Brasil Novidades: Tradução Pessoal, enfim chegamos ao 100% de tradução para o português brasileiro no jogo. É mais uma conquista para o nosso país e muito mais está por vir através da criação da Associação Nacional. Gostaria de pedir que, qualquer erro de tradução que vocês...
le 2015-03-26 17:34:32 par jeansapia - J'aime: 2 | Score: 3.37)
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