Lorandi tiene d'occhio Campione e "il Ciccio" a Bahia Bianca in Argentina!
LORANDI approda a Bahia Bianca in Argentina per una Gara Singola e non può fare a meno di notare i 2 piloti singolari...la Qualifica regala un discreto 18° posto per Alessio, mentre CAMPIONE partirà in Gara 24° ed ER LENTO ultimo in 28a posizione. Al...
le 2016-05-03 23:50:31 par RossanoArtuso
J'aime: 1
Score: 0.00)
Nuova Avventura per Alessio Campione e Steve Rosa!!
I due manager provenienti da Gpro vogliono far vedere subito di che pasta sono fatti nella ROOKIE SERIES stanno per scoprire questo altro gioco manageriale di formula uno ...riusciranno i nostri amati manager a superare la concorrenza spietata di que...
le 2016-05-03 23:00:23 par AlessioCampione
J'aime: 2
Score: 0.00)
Dover drones on
Its taken 24 hours, but Paul Dover and manager Mattseagull have responded to Adamskis' accusation of on track bullying.
"We're sorry its taken so long to issue a statement, but the fact is that we were laughing so hard at Wellys' little rant ...
le 2016-05-03 22:35:46 par mattseagull
J'aime: 7
Score: 13.02)
Nakon druge utrke III Prvenstva Balkana
U drugoj utrci III prvenstva Balkana voženoj u, Južnoj koreji na stazi Ansan Circuit, sam početak je bio jako oštar i rizičan što su odmah i platili vozači Trputec, Hrvatska koji ispada nakon pokušaja pretjecanja i sudara pri tome sa Orionom , Hr...
le 2016-05-03 21:56:02 par dborion
J'aime: 8
Score: 12.98)
S18 Hrvati u Kupu Naroda nakon 2 tjedna
23. Indonezija IMO 60
24. Australija AUS 60
25. Slovenija SMA 47
26. Hrvatska CROMA 42
27. Švedska SMF 39
28. Ukrajina NMAUkr 19
le 2016-05-03 12:09:54 par daniel00cro
J'aime: 3
Score: 5.30)
Wo gehts hin für Claire
15 Tage sind vergangen in Saison 18 und wir wollten die Gelegenheit, und das gute Wetter, nutzen, um einfach mal entspannt am Sachsenring mit Claire, ein paar Würstchen und gutem Bier zu chillen.
GPE: "Claire, zufrieden mit dem Saisonverluaf ...
le 2016-05-03 11:44:18 par Fixboy
J'aime: 5
Score: 5.79)
British Weather
"Jay! Sorry to bother you over breakfast, we were just curious to see if you had caught the comments from Donz this morning?"
"I did actually, just now, we do like a spot of friendly banter in the UK, us British are a funny sort! I ...
le 2016-05-03 10:55:44 par Adamski
J'aime: 6
Score: 10.67)
Sezonske serije S18/T2
Stopničke za Židana, Zupančič dvakrat na 2. mestu.
V prvem tednu sezone 18 so Slovenski dirkači osvojili naslednja mesta:
Indy Junior International Series:
Dare Klun 5. in 10. mesto, v seštevku ostaja na 7. mestu.
World Touring Car Seri...
le 2016-05-03 09:45:37 par Darac
J'aime: 1
Score: 0.95)
Rage suggests Nova might have an engine problem......
In an interview with Murdoch Bennett from Rage Motorsports he intimated that the Nova drivers could be suffering from engine trouble....
-----... Murdoch how are things going this season?
Murdoch: pretty good, Paanenen is causing some issues in...
le 2016-05-03 08:33:46 par thedonz
J'aime: 10
Score: 17.71)
Završene kvalifikacije 2. utrke III Prvenstva Balkana
Hrvatska je kao domaćina druge utrke III prvenstva Balkana , nominirala stazu Ansan Circuit u Južnoj Koreji .
Nakon slobodnih treninga , danas su se održale vrlo vrlo zanimljive kvalifikacije . Od 30 vozača na stazi 21 će se bodovati za Prvenstvo...
le 2016-05-02 22:49:46 par dborion
J'aime: 6
Score: 10.25)
Wellington Calls For Enquiry
The Fourth running of the illustrious UK Single Race Championship is just three races in to its new Private Series format and it is already proving to be one of - if not the - closest run series in MRC. Proven in the first round qualifying at Thruxto...
le 2016-05-02 21:03:25 par Adamski
J'aime: 9
Score: 16.18)
Llega Lorenzo Martinez, gran experto en Formula 1, para hacer historia en MyRacingCareer.
Todo comienza por algo, y esta nueva aventura comienza con la incorporacion de una Escuderia joven y competitiva.
le 2016-05-02 19:09:37 par LorenzoMartinez
J'aime: 0
Score: 0.00)
Rezultati srpskih (aktivnih!) vozača - Sezona 18, Nedelja 1
Radi bolje preglednosti od sada će se ova vest objavljivati u ovakvom formatu.
Marko Vukoviic - 1. mesto na Punta del Este (Uruguay), FE World Series
Dejan Radisavljević - DNF (27. mesto) i DNF (30. mesto) na Melbourne (Australia), F2 Oceania Ser...
le 2016-05-02 17:48:19 par Delp95
J'aime: 3
Score: 5.03)
A. de Rooij jr komt terug
Na een geweldige eerste week in de Formula 3 Dutch series heeft Arthur de Rooij jr. een lastigere 2e week beleefd. De week begon nog mooi met een 6e stek in de kwalificaties. Weer een prestatie waar de rookie rijder erg trots op mag zijn! Echter bij ...
le 2016-05-02 12:25:00 par tuur008
J'aime: 2
Score: 3.47)