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Design Competition #82

Design Competition #82

Happy New Year everyone! Here's a new Design Competition for you to win!

Design Competition #82


1. WINNER - jp123 (Brazil) - 9 likes - Friendster
Check this design!
Received 200 coins + rare car + honour to the profile

2. JordiMontané (Spain) - 7 likes - LiveJournal
Check this design!
Received 100 coins.

3. Thisken (Belgium) - 7 likes - Netlog
Check this design!
Received 50 coins.

*= Tie decided because Thisken scored coins most recently.


We start the year with a classic, but with a new twist. We have done alternate liveries for some years, but this time, we ask you to draw alternate versions of real WRC liveries, whether they are current or past. Of course, these liveries will work best on rally or private cars!

To participate you have to paint your car, helmet and livery with the requested theme in the game, then click on the share button on the garage screen which will generate an image with all 3 items and that is what you have to share.

If you want to participate you need to generate your share image and publish it as a COMMENT on the relevant post on Facebook which you'll find HERE.
The winner will be decided by the number of likes on the comment.

1. Special competition honour to user profile, rare private car and 200 coins
2. 100 coins
3. 50 coins

Deadline is January 31st!

Full rules reminder - click here.

by JordiMontané
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