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Käytämme evästeitä parantaaksemme pelikokemustasi ja analysoidaksemme liikennettä. Jaamme myös tietoa sivuston käytöstäsi sosiaalisessa mediassa, mainoksissa ja analyysikumppaneidemme kanssa.
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Italiano Il ritiro è ufficiale Conferenza stampa in casa OMR dove davanti allo stupore di tutti i giornalisti, il pilota Andre Acarini ha dichiarato che a fine stagione si ritirerà. Il pilota italiano, bi-campione mondiale in Formula1 con la scuderia di casa, ha anche dichiarato d...
on 2015-12-03 16:47:30 by Hakudoshi - Tykkäykset: 9 | Luokitus: 13.71)
English 7 fans said: "J. McCastle is an idiot!" On the final lap, J. McCastle hits L. Forti and hits the wall. McCastle finished 24th. A fan said "J. McCastle is an idiot! And a jerk!" The officials fined J. McCastle $300,000 for wrecking L. Forti. This is the worse final lap wreckage th...
on 2015-12-02 23:45:41 by JedMcCastle - Tykkäykset: 6 | Luokitus: 9.41)
English new kid in town... alex latafi the newest dude around who just came today 2 december 2015 just brought abought a new era. he hopes to create a team in f1 world series but in the meantime his doing custom series. he hasnt shown his talent yet but one day im sure he will shine
on 2015-12-02 22:27:35 by latafity - Tykkäykset: 2 | Luokitus: 2.50)
Português, Brasil Dicas para a Criação de Novos Pilotos, por Juca Macieira Pra quem não acompanha o Forum ou a página da Associação, nosso presidente Juca Macieira, número 1 do ranking nacional, publicou dias atrás um valioso amontoado de dicas que podem ajudá-los na hora de criar seus pilotos, que reproduzo aqui. Porém,...
on 2015-12-02 11:21:55 by jeansapia - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 3.70)
Italiano F3 News - Campionato Italiano U21 Buongiorno a tutti e bentrovati al Vostro programma preferito, F3 News By Krova. Siamo giunti alla terza prova del campionato nazionale riservato alle giovani promesse U21 del nostro belpaese. Ma passiamo subito ad intervistare i protagonisti: ...
on 2015-12-02 09:27:34 by KrovatarGERO - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 7.48)
Español El novato español Roberto Gomez Hernandez apunta maneras El piloto de origen granadino, ha conseguido un resultado brillante en su primera Calificacion para las Rookie Series, saldrá segundo en su debut en esta competición en el Circuito de Vallelunga (Italia), sumando sus primeros dos puntos en esta compe...
on 2015-12-02 01:41:52 by RobertoGomezHernande - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 0.18)
Português Entrevista aos "GRANDES" Esta entrevista é completamente retirada do website da nação e sou o único que tem autorização para os publicar.Visitem os comunicados do site em:http://rafaelrato... aos "GRANDES" ... Com o abandono do "GRANDE" Fabrício Cruz,a...
on 2015-12-01 23:41:59 by Rafarato - Tykkäykset: 7 | Luokitus: 8.99)
Français L'académie Red Bull Vaillante recrute !! D'ici la fin de saison, 4 places seront à pourvoir pour intégrer l'école de la filière Red Bull Vaillante, l'écurie formatrice de nombreux pilotes talentueux qui dominent de nombreux championnats, dont la F1 depuis plusieurs années. Si tu a...
on 2015-12-01 22:04:32 by Krinkle - Tykkäykset: 13 | Luokitus: 19.77)
English Kyle Thomas feeling Blue Kyle Thomas will be hoping for a better showing in his next series drive after finishing the Blue series with a 50% race completion rate. A bit more composure will be expected by his sponsors in his upcoming races. Only time will tell if he has learn...
on 2015-12-01 20:49:35 by paulb67 - Tykkäykset: 6 | Luokitus: 7.83)
Nederlands Levi dit seizoen nog #1 coureur van Nederland? Ondanks dat het nog vroeg in het seizoen is, neemt Levi De Backer geen blad voor de mond en maakt zijn doel duidelijk: "Ik wil gewoon de allerbeste zijn en dat zal me lukken ook!" Na vorig jaar al mooie dingen te hebben laten zien, is de...
on 2015-12-01 17:04:49 by Rossdale - Tykkäykset: 3 | Luokitus: 4.87)
English New Scottish Driver Up comeing Race Driver Robert Davies from scotland joins the the scane :)
on 2015-12-01 16:15:18 by RobertDavies - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 6.19)
Français Gestion de l'équipe française Red Bull Vaillante F1 Bonjour à tous, La gestion d'une équipe de F1, notamment la conception des monoplaces, prend beaucoup temps. C'est pour cela qu'il convient de spécialiser les différentes tâches nécessaires et d'y associer des managers dédiés. Au sein de Red Bul...
on 2015-12-01 11:14:44 by JordanF1 - Tykkäykset: 13 | Luokitus: 19.67)
Slovenščina Nov tekmovalec Tudi v Švedski seriji imamo tekmovalca, Hogar Grozni od JanezMavretič. Upam, da postane tudi na forumu aktiven, drugeč redno tekmuje :)
on 2015-12-01 08:30:49 by RobertGrager - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.72)
Slovenščina Slovenija napreduje Lanskih 412 točk v pokalu držav lahko letos morda zelo popravimo. Po 2/11 krogih imamo že 93pik in naši mladi vozniki(U21) veliko prispevajo k temu dosežku, konkurenca je pri članih res velika, a naši dirkači se dobro in hitro prilagajajo... Kot je...
on 2015-12-01 08:29:39 by RobertGrager - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.79)
English New American Racer Joins Formula 3 White Cup II Series A new racer has emerged into the scene of Formula 3 and his name is Jake Leonard from the United States. Leonard is making his first start tomorrow at White Karlskoga or is at least hoping to, as he missed the window to make it to qualifying on Sunda...
on 2015-11-30 20:15:51 by JakeLeonard - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 5.69)
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