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Käytämme evästeitä parantaaksemme pelikokemustasi ja analysoidaksemme liikennettä. Jaamme myös tietoa sivuston käytöstäsi sosiaalisessa mediassa, mainoksissa ja analyysikumppaneidemme kanssa.
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Русский Как Бразилия в футболе... Всем привет, не... поздновато, все уже отошли от нашей пятой подряд победы в Кубке Наций, и вот уже начался новый сезон, но это ни сколько не умаляет значимости нашей очередной победы, которая стала одновременно самой тяжелой и неожиданной, а именно...
on 2017-02-24 11:54:09 by Somebodystopme - Tykkäykset: 16 | Luokitus: 26.41)
English Mercedes AMG Australian GP Review Season 22 has begun, the usual suspects are all poised to do well, except for Senna taking a small sabbatical and LKR seemingly misplacing their car somewhere if anyone has seen it please contact them immediately. :) So the Australian GP? Many...
on 2017-02-24 01:16:48 by breNdzz - Tykkäykset: 16 | Luokitus: 28.17)
English MRC F1 - Team-by-team - A new engine, a new era? Hello MRC F1 Fans! S22 is here and a new engine comes along with it! Can anyone challenge Red Bull? Who will be the surprise team? A comprehensive team-by-team analysis with each team season's goal. RED BULL S21 Standing: 1st S22 goal: 1st...
on 2017-02-24 00:03:27 by ClaudioMonteiro - Tykkäykset: 35 | Luokitus: 63.30)
English Follow the F1 season like on TV ! To thanks the fans of Williams team, and to help all those who would like to follow the F1 World Series in best conditions, Belia Prod give you a chance to live in replay the first Grand Prix of the season, at Melbourne, Australia. ht... go to...
on 2017-02-23 20:37:36 by BELIA - Tykkäykset: 23 | Luokitus: 41.14)
Svenska bibehållet förtroende Teammanager Björn Nilsson har bestämt att Olof Körsven får fortsatt förtroende för en säsong till. Men ahn måste höja sin föraranking till minst 4.500 om det ska bli en fortsättning efter denna säsong.
on 2017-02-23 20:12:32 by BjörnNilsson - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.90)
English Season 22 F1 Predictions Wow everyone so secretive and that can affect my predictions cause Senna is looking to be out of things from the start. LKR and Trabant look to be in similar positions. Here is my current Car ranking nothing based on the driver. 1. McLaren 2...
on 2017-02-22 22:47:34 by BradleyBundy - Tykkäykset: 14 | Luokitus: 24.71)
English Mercedes AMG The new season is upon us and we're very excited about this years car. We will be developing parts until the second race where we expect results to be the best this team has seen in along time. Qualifying in the first race has seen us come in 13th an...
on 2017-02-22 19:18:11 by Deuce - Tykkäykset: 6 | Luokitus: 10.58)
Português GO WAR Aproveito a oportunidade para agradecer o excelente trabalho desenvolvido pelos responsáveis da equipa sobretudo na parte mais visível para os fãs que são os eventos, competições e fórum onde se nota uma grande dedicação e trabalho. Em relação às ...
on 2017-02-22 13:53:20 by frenetic - Tykkäykset: 7 | Luokitus: 11.60)
Italiano Tutto è possibile Da anni Torak non riesce a trovare un grande talento; sono lontani i tempi in cui con Dante Alighieri si vedevano buone prestazioni in F3 Oceania. Ora Torak pare aver trovato un atleta predestinato, si parla del giovane Alessandro Jr Zanardi. Il gi...
on 2017-02-22 13:24:30 by torak - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.73)
Português, Brasil [F1] A WAR RENOVA-SE E APRESENTA NOVA LOGOMARCA Ao longo das duas últimas temporadas, tanto os Administradores da WAR como a sua comunidade de fãs receberam sangue novo e tornaram-se muito mais ativos. A nossa popularidade na F1 do MRC disparou e os eventos que organizamos (Campeonato de Fãs da ...
on 2017-02-22 12:49:38 by toturi - Tykkäykset: 13 | Luokitus: 21.23)
Indonesia Pembalap Indonesia Berlaga di Seri Formula 3 - World Ovals Pembalap Indonesia, Filipe Susilo mengikut Formula 3 - Worlds Oval. Pada Pergelaran pertama yang diadakan di sirkuit Daytona International Speedway yang menghabiskan 60 Lap. Dalam balapa seri ini pembalap Indonesia start pada posisi 19 dan pada lap k...
on 2017-02-22 10:44:50 by TaufikSusilo - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.64)
Français Remerciements Je voudrais remercier tous ceux qui ont voté pour LePrez et moi. Même si cette élection ressemble comme on me l'a fait remarquer à une élection Nord Coréenne, c'est un honneur d'être à la tête de l'ACF. Cette saison promet d'être passionnante. En F...
on 2017-02-22 09:53:15 by Olivier - Tykkäykset: 8 | Luokitus: 13.24)
Français Skoda Racing Team C'est aujourd'hui qu'a été présentée la nouvelle livrée des l'écurie Skoda Racing Team. Pour rappel, c'est au volant de cette voiture que Francky Lagorce, Ayrton Broc et Gregory Passenhove participeront à l'Indy Junior International Series. C'est u...
on 2017-02-22 09:30:04 by Olivier - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 8.89)
Português [F1] A WAR RENOVA-SE E FAZ UM REBRAND Ao longo das duas últimas épocas, tanto os Gestores da WAR como a sua comunidade de fans receberam sangue novo e tornaram-se muito mais activos. A nossa popularidade na F1 do MRC disparou e os eventos que organizamos (WAR Fan Championship, WAR Su...
on 2017-02-21 18:33:34 by toturi - Tykkäykset: 11 | Luokitus: 18.70)
Slovenščina Formula 1 Pred vrati je nova sezone formule 1. Čeprav vse ekipe še niso razkrile svojih adutov, je že sedaj jasno, da bo to ena najbolj izenačenih sezon do sedaj. Predvsem pričakujem hud boj med ekipami, ki so se v zadnjih nekaj sezonah vozile na začelju. Prav...
on 2017-02-21 12:58:17 by toxic - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.18)
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