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Käytämme evästeitä parantaaksemme pelikokemustasi ja analysoidaksemme liikennettä. Jaamme myös tietoa sivuston käytöstäsi sosiaalisessa mediassa, mainoksissa ja analyysikumppaneidemme kanssa.
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Português, Brasil Temporada nova Mais uma temporada de Clecio Pinto, agora na U26, ele tem que enfrentar os seniors. Que é uma árdua tarefa pra ele ainda. Ainda carece de treino e de experiência, mas com um pouco de paciência ele vai disputar o topo das tabelas de classificação d...
on 2023-06-30 20:25:30 by pmarcio - Tykkäykset: 2 | Luokitus: 3.69)
Español 100 días en MRC Hola de nuevo: Soy Daniel y se me han juntado muchas cosas últimamente, he cumplido mi día 100 (exactamente hoy es mi día número 130) y mi piloto 19 años y le he inscrito al final en la F4 Mediterranean Series. Voy a hacer un resumen de mis 130 ...
on 2023-06-30 16:22:47 by DanielEsteban - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 7.38)
Suomi Uusi Urapolku Muutos MRC Pelissä [URL=https://...][ur... on tullu tuo uusi urapolku käyttöön tässä pelissä. Jokaselle urapolulle on tehty omat ns ´´sivupolut´´ Eli jos oot erikoistunu Rata-ajo puolelle nii sieltä pitää valita joko Formula , Touring Autot tai Vakioauto ja minkä...
on 2023-06-30 11:42:20 by Sir_ErikSalama - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.95)
Nederlands Trophy of the Champions Raymond van de pol is als 28e geëindigd in de Trophy of the champions. Dit was ook ongeveer zijn plek op de plaatsingslijst. natuurlijk was er gehoopt op een beter resultaat. Maar dat zat er nou eenmaal niet in met dit sterke en brede deelnemersveld....
on 2023-06-29 08:00:10 by Pollie - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.96)
Italiano Estate 2023 Caldissima... Ho come la sensazione che un collega mananger non accetti le insinuazioni da me inflitte e che cerchi sempre in tutti i modi di girare il discorso in suo favore, continua a rispondere alle mie piccole cose tipo io so fare questo, quello e poi ribatte...
on 2023-06-29 07:08:05 by jasper360 - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.72)
Italiano Le interviste possibili Salve a tutti, oggi abbiamo sulle nostre pagine il pilota Enrico De Angeliis, ed il suo manager DorianDarkfire. D- Enrico, sei fresco campione europeo di F3 e questa stagione ti stai cimentando ancora in F3 ma alzando l'asticella sei passando al m...
on 2023-06-28 16:40:44 by DorianDarkfire - Tykkäykset: 7 | Luokitus: 12.90)
English No worries No worries all is good :). and it was good that you corrected some of my sayings in the interview. It's better to correct or next time could have said something completely incorrect which might have had worst consequences. As an old Porsche s...
on 2023-06-28 15:46:48 by Sir_ErikSalama - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 6.99)
English Sorry, I overreacted After reading my press release again, I realized I should have used much kinder tone pointing out your mistake. Especially last few lines were uncalled for. I am sorry for that, I overreacted. These days there is so much misinformation on the interne...
on 2023-06-28 15:40:07 by toxic - Tykkäykset: 16 | Luokitus: 27.10)
English My Mistake My Mistake
on 2023-06-28 14:33:23 by Sir_ErikSalama - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 6.88)
Suomi Mercedeksen Kuljettajat Kaudella 53 Mercedeksen johto on solminut kuljettajasopimukset Suomalaiskuljettaja Oiva Haverin sekä Amerikkalaisen Brandon Snyderin kanssa kaudeksi 53. [URL=https://... oleva Mercedeksen F1 tallin johtajat Sir_Erik ja Eurobilltracker ovat ylpeitä, että Suome...
on 2023-06-28 12:10:30 by Sir_ErikSalama - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.48)
English Correction First, I would like to applaud hwang11 for such a great content. Your power ratings and this interview are a birth of fresh air and something that this game was missing. However, I would like to point that Sir_ErikSalama, like Fernando Alonso, lov...
on 2023-06-28 11:37:25 by toxic - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.73)
English An Interview with Sir_ErikSalama… I’m pretty sure most people know who Sir_ErikSalama is. He has a lot of friends here. If you don’t, then I strongly advise you to friend request him as he is a brilliant person to have on your friend list. Recently, I interviewed him, and here it is…...
on 2023-06-27 18:56:47 by hwang11 - Tykkäykset: 14 | Luokitus: 24.94)
Italiano Intervista al talentuoso E.tomasello Il giornalista è responsabile della testata Motorsport ha avuto un colloquio a quattro occhi con il pilota per farsi rilasciare qualche news da inserire sulla stampa. Gli ha chiesto cosa ne pensa del rivale comandato dal sapientone egli ha risposto c...
on 2023-06-27 17:14:27 by jasper360 - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.72)
Português, Brasil BRAsuca na Nations Cup Concluída a primeira semana da Nations na T52, seguem os destaques dos brasileiros: Sub 21 O destaque fica por conta Aníbal Batista, estreante, conseguiu dos top5 somando 50 pontos e ficando na 9ª posição da categoria. João Eduardo conseguiu u...
on 2023-06-27 01:44:28 by FlavioMarçal - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.51)
English Power Rankings - MRC Saudi Arabian GP With the second race done, let’s analyse the Grand Prix again. Like last time, feel free to comment down below and hit the like button if you enjoyed this. So without further ado, let’s begin! 1. Gregory Moore - In my preview for the GP, I was de...
on 2023-06-26 21:29:07 by hwang11 - Tykkäykset: 11 | Luokitus: 20.51)
1 ... 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ... 837