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Käytämme evästeitä parantaaksemme pelikokemustasi ja analysoidaksemme liikennettä. Jaamme myös tietoa sivuston käytöstäsi sosiaalisessa mediassa, mainoksissa ja analyysikumppaneidemme kanssa.
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Slovenščina Top 43 drivers - by rating? I'm looking into rankings, and guess what... In U26 my driver is #44! Maybe I got lucky, because there's one retired driver in the middle, so actually #43 :) Am I right top 43 means top 43 by rating? If my driver is good enough, I'm in :)
on 2018-10-10 11:55:28 by Darac - Tykkäykset: 0 | Luokitus: 0.00)
Català Thank you for hosting Thank you for hosting the series Bradley, looking forward to participate in the next event.
on 2018-10-10 11:50:24 by felson - Tykkäykset: 2 | Luokitus: 3.71)
English Alpha and omega Review Season 29 is coming to a close thanks to all of whom participated this year. A playoff version comes in season 30. Champions we had one winner in all 10 series and that is our grand champ Luis Thomazini. He won the most races averaging 9 wins pe...
on 2018-10-10 02:33:45 by BradleyBundy - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 8.84)
English S2 Crazy Canuck: Down Under Quicky U21 Here is Crazy Canuck: Down under Quicky Season 2! We have a last of the season quick serie with races on some renown tracks in Australia and New Zealand. The serie is reserved for drivers of age 21 or less this to create as level a playing fiel...
on 2018-10-10 00:34:53 by WilieEthelbertCoyote - Tykkäykset: 3 | Luokitus: 4.80)
Italiano TCS Scandinavia | Iannascoli pronto a prendersi il titolo! È iniziato il rush finale verso il finale di stagione del TCS Scandinavia, che disputerà gli ultimi due appuntamenti stagionali questa settimana e la prossima. Già da oggi, sul tracciato svedese di Anderstorp, Damiano Iannascoli punterà a chiudere in...
on 2018-10-09 13:26:29 by Calu11 - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 6.91)
Català Aprenent català per escriure comunicats de premsa En primer lloc, no sé escriure català. Si el llegeixo o l'escolto sóc capaç d'entendre aproximadament la informació que es transmet. No he viscut mai a Catalunya i mai he intentat aprendre-ho. Però sí que he estat durant bastants anys vivint a Val...
on 2018-10-09 11:54:05 by WarpER - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.14)
Slovenščina Pokal narodov: Dare Atlešek povečal prednost Do konca sezone v Pokalu narodov nas ločijo samo še trije krogi oziroma šest dirk in Dare Atlešek še vedno drži prvo mesto v skupnem seštevku. Njegova prednost je v zadnjih dveh krogih ponovno narastla in sedaj znaša že lepih 66 točk. Njegov najbližj...
on 2018-10-09 08:09:25 by toxic - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.56)
English F3 Masters Round 5 Macau Sprint: Vilanova wins as Thomazini and Bellamy take the title down to the wire Marc Vilanova takes his finally wins a race in the F3 Masters but only Luiz Thomazini (150 points) and Samuel Bellamy (23 points behind) can fight for the title, as Cordell Gifford managed to beat Steve Villeneuve for 2nd and also eliminate him fro...
on 2018-10-08 19:41:14 by ThatFPM8Guy - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 9.32)
Hrvatski Novi Vozać u Formuli 2 world serije Došao je još jedan Hrvatski vozać u Formulu i izjavljuje sljedeće ,,Meni je cilj voziti za BMW U F1 a onda otići u mirovinu,, Ante Pirija izjavio
on 2018-10-08 13:44:16 by kloki11 - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 3.30)
Slovenščina Marko Zupančič zapušča Formulo E Konec sezone v Formuli E se bliža koncu in Marko Zupančič bo kot kaže sezono pričakovano končal na osmem mestu. Po malce slabšem začetku je Zupančič sredi sezone ujel ritem in obetal se mu je boj za sedmo mesto z Madžarom Ajtony Széno, a dva odstopa ...
on 2018-10-08 12:31:27 by gripy - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.54)
Nederlands BELNED op weg naar Curaçao De BELNED cup maakt zich op voor de laatste ronde. dit keer niet in België of Nederland maar op Curaçao. Het lijkt een heel spannend kampioenschap te worden. Om ongeveer elke positie kan nog gevochten worden. Over twee races weten we het
on 2018-10-08 07:40:15 by Pollie - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.06)
English Thanks! Awesome job you do with these articles, shows how much you care and it's a pleasure to read how well (or bad!) we're doing! Keep up the good work!
on 2018-10-07 22:42:42 by JordiMontané - Tykkäykset: 3 | Luokitus: 5.74)
English F3 Masters S29: Monaco, Zandvoort and Spa Recaps + Macau Preview Hey guys, I tried doing a recap on Friday but the data on my computer corrupted so here I am doing it again, I've written lots too so I'm getting this done finally once and for all. Monaco: After the Pau Success, Samuel Bellamy continued it with ...
on 2018-10-07 20:21:26 by ThatFPM8Guy - Tykkäykset: 7 | Luokitus: 12.53)
English Anybody Fancy Trying To Explain This? So... at the start of this week, I was in contention for Superb Formula title... Tuesdays race, I literally fell foul of 1% in weather parameters, pitting for wets as the track then ironically started to dry, as I predicted it would, and didn't in...
on 2018-10-07 19:12:01 by Adamski - Tykkäykset: 0 | Luokitus: 0.00)
Español Resumen del XIX Campeonato de España de Fórmula 3 Campeón nuevo para la décimonovena edición del Campeonato de España. Marc Vilanova ganó su primer título con 11 victorias, 8 poles y 8 vueltas rápidas. Sin los veteranos, la cosa quedó entre la nueva hornada de pilotos jóvenes. Marc Montané y Rob...
on 2018-10-06 14:16:59 by JordiMontané - Tykkäykset: 6 | Luokitus: 10.50)
1 ... 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 ... 838