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Käytämme evästeitä parantaaksemme pelikokemustasi ja analysoidaksemme liikennettä. Jaamme myös tietoa sivuston käytöstäsi sosiaalisessa mediassa, mainoksissa ja analyysikumppaneidemme kanssa.
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Italiano Campione ITALIA Non Ufficiale N.Morbidelli Intervista: Giornal... Nico, siamo arrivati alla fine del campionato, sei un giovane promettente, cosa ne pensi di queste voci di corridoio? N.Morb... sono molti colleghi che si fanno largo nelle giovanili, ho avuto un po' di fortuna dalla mia p...
on 2024-04-15 13:13:30 by jasper360 - Tykkäykset: 2 | Luokitus: 1.95)
Italiano Taruffi campione 911 Supercup! Importante vittoria al cardiopalmo per Pieretto la peste all'ultima gara, in un campionato che lo ha visto inseguire per quasi tutta la stagione a causa di un solo ritiro e una grande costanza dei suoi avversari diretti, sempre a punti e quasi sempre...
on 2024-04-14 21:33:12 by simy88 - Tykkäykset: 9 | Luokitus: 14.42)
English Superlicense for free from Porsche Racing? Is it legal? You might wonder why I am writing this press release. Am I against such an approach? Am I trying to demotivate people from accepting this deal with Porsche Racing? Check the full story...
on 2024-04-14 18:00:18 by DebiK - Tykkäykset: 13 | Luokitus: 21.57)
Español Adios Raimundo, hola Rai Raimundo Solovera Jr ha sido despedido tras la última carrera del 72ª Campeonato de España de Formula 4. Raimundo ha terminado su periplo en el equipo provocando un toque con el rival en la primera vuelta y confirmando que no, que lo suyo no es el ...
on 2024-04-13 15:34:34 by radekdeboktor - Tykkäykset: 9 | Luokitus: 16.27)
English Aston Martin Fan Championship - Season 6 With the sixth edition of the “Aston Martin Fan Championship” having just ended, it is time to summarize what happened. Felipe Campolargo won his sixth title (obtaining 7 wins, 5 poles and 10 podiums), Cupertino Jarbas came 2nd (with 3 wins, 2 pol...
on 2024-04-11 10:50:44 by Alexthebest - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.79)
Português Aston Martin Fan Championship - Época 6 Com a sexta edição do “Aston Martin Fan Championship” a ter terminado há pouco é altura de fazemos um resumo de como foi. Felipe Campolargo ganhou o seu sexto título (obtendo 7 vitórias, 5 poles e 10 pódios), Cupertino Jarbas ficou em 2° (com 3 vi...
on 2024-04-11 10:47:32 by Alexthebest - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.91)
English Porsche Racing: Superlicence for free Many seasons ago we have decided to start rewarding our supporters that help us with their activity/voting point donations, and we will continue to reward our supporters in the future too. In fact, we have increased few seasons ago. By regularly v...
on 2024-04-10 10:46:15 by gripy - Tykkäykset: 21 | Luokitus: 33.05)
Slovenščina Porsche Racing nagrajuje Pred nekaj sezonami smo se odločili, da bomo začeli nagrajevati navijače ekipe, ki nam pomagate s svojimi donacijami glasovalnih točk in tako bomo nadaljevali tudi v prihodnje. Še več, tisti ki boste prodno zbirali glasovalne točke si boste z njimi l...
on 2024-04-10 10:35:50 by Clunker - Tykkäykset: 8 | Luokitus: 13.18)
English Introducing Close Gap Trophy (Moto Private) Welcome to the first edition of the "Close Gap Trophy" The championship's philosophy is fair competition between competitors up to 23 years old, motorcycling lovers, whose rider is still evolving, in this trophy they can fight for vict...
on 2024-04-07 19:14:01 by LeKiD17 - Tykkäykset: 6 | Luokitus: 6.64)
Català Vermell i negre per als nostres pilots L'equip Al Norte del Piagordo va canviar el disseny de l'equipament dels seus dos pilots, Ricardo José Pérez i Raimundo Solovera Aznar. I totes les carrosseries dels vehicles amb raó de la Setmana Santa, la festa més representativa del Baix Aragó his...
on 2024-04-06 18:38:27 by radekdeboktor - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 7.52)
Español Resumen del 20º Iberoamericano de Turismos El piloto de Fórmula 1 Felipe Campolargo logró su segundo título del Iberoamericano en la vigésima edición del campeonato. El portugués venció en una larga lucha a Elisabet Alemany, primera del contingente español, por 16 puntos. Detrás de Alemany...
on 2024-04-05 17:34:27 by JordiMontané - Tykkäykset: 9 | Luokitus: 17.21)
Català Resum del 20è Iberoamericà de Turismes El pilot de Fórmula 1 Felipe Campolargo va aconseguir el seu segon títol de l'Iberoamericà a la vintena edició del campeonat. El portuguès va vèncer en una llarga lluita a Elisabet Alemany, primera del contingent espanyol, per 16 punts. Darrere d'...
on 2024-04-05 17:29:51 by JordiMontané - Tykkäykset: 9 | Luokitus: 15.03)
Slovenščina Sporočila za javnost Vse slovenske managerje bi rad opozoril, na nagrado za najboljše sporočilo za javnost, ki jo My Racing Career podeljuje vsakih 14 dni. Zmagovalec z najboljšim sporočilom za javnost prejme 50 kovancev. Nagrada se podeli samo v primeru, da sta obja...
on 2024-04-03 10:57:58 by torbar4life - Tykkäykset: 3 | Luokitus: 5.46)
English Kirk Breaks the DNF streak with a Deserved Podium. Riley Kirk Has now 3 podiums in 5 races, he finished the 36 lap race in P3 after a battle with L. Jameson ends in tears for Jameson after a Collision means he had DNFed, Luckily, Riley and Jameson were far enough ahead that they probably couldve drov...
on 2024-04-01 00:03:23 by degraded - Tykkäykset: 3 | Luokitus: 4.12)
English C. Kirk Finds his Series In some test races C. Kirk came 4th at Road Atlanta and 1st at El Pinar, At El Pinar he came 2 seconds ahead of 2nd position, V. Barrera, at Road Atlanta, he came 1 minute and 6 seconds behind the leader, if not for the wet conditions he would have b...
on 2024-03-31 20:37:22 by MotorsportGuy - Tykkäykset: 0 | Luokitus: 0.00)
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