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Käytämme evästeitä parantaaksemme pelikokemustasi ja analysoidaksemme liikennettä. Jaamme myös tietoa sivuston käytöstäsi sosiaalisessa mediassa, mainoksissa ja analyysikumppaneidemme kanssa.
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Deutsch Überraschender Rücktritt von K. Sato Kaum ist die DTM Saison mit dem letzten Rennen vorbei, gibt Kimiya Sato überraschend seinen sofortigen Rücktritt bekannt. Niemand wusste von der Mannschaft darüber bescheid, außer Teamchef Sven Hauke. Sato feierte viele Erfolge und war in zahlreiche...
on 2020-01-26 18:34:10 by SvenHauke - Tykkäykset: 5 | Luokitus: 9.19)
English The XIX WAR Supercup is here! Hello WAR fans! Welcome to another edition of the WAR Supercup! This season we're competing in Australia to pay homage to the brave people fighting the wildfires that has been ravaging the country. All our prayers are with you! The Supercup is...
on 2020-01-25 22:07:28 by ClaudioMonteiro - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 7.77)
Français Bilan de la saison pour RED BULL RACING VAILLANTE F1 Nous venons de rencontre le manager de RBR lors d'une visite au sein de son centre de développement où il passait en revue les développements en cours sur la RBVF1#36. MRCF1 : Alors JordanF1, comment s'annonce cette saison 36 ? JordanF1 : avant...
on 2020-01-25 14:35:00 by JordanF1 - Tykkäykset: 12 | Luokitus: 23.05)
English It may be time for me to leave this game I have enjoyed this game for many years now. I considered it best play for free game Until now.. The cap on starting skills and the approach to reduce learning rate is Totally unfair for the future. Every manager desires the right to an equal and ba...
on 2020-01-25 11:09:14 by TerryWilson - Tykkäykset: 6 | Luokitus: 9.62)
Magyar Magyar kupa Maki Hakapeszi gőz erővel készül a magyar kupára.Önbizalma napról napra nagyobb lesz.Reméljük valami nagyon jó eredményt ér el. Nagyon megérdemelné.
on 2020-01-24 16:47:06 by laca7711 - Tykkäykset: 2 | Luokitus: 3.73)
Nederlands WTCS Suzuka Suzuka was een weekend van uitersten voor Raymond van de Pol. In race twee ging het helemaal mis met de strategie en finishede hij niet in de top 10. in race drie maakte hij het goed door weer op het podium te komen. Na de 3 races in macau gaat hi...
on 2020-01-23 23:17:46 by Pollie - Tykkäykset: 0 | Luokitus: 0.00)
English How to make a Good pit crew There are 8 critical positions to make a good pit crew.. there are 2 more positions that are slightly less .. For the 8 critical pit crew mechanics you need to spend 10k each for these guys.. That give you a skill from 70-75 on these positio...
on 2020-01-23 20:44:34 by TerryWilson - Tykkäykset: 2 | Luokitus: 3.87)
English Maybe you should learn to race outside your box! Buy a pit crew for 50k a week and I will be every driver my drivers age every race where there is piting.. F3 quick races teaches you nothing for racing in Gold cup Indy or world GT.. No pit races you do not even have to check tire wear PERIOD! so ...
on 2020-01-23 19:34:24 by TerryWilson - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.95)
English Please. Stop already... For most of us this is not an issue. It’s the same for everyone and you are missing the big picture too. You obsess about 50k per week and fail to see that you could make 150k/week more in other series with pit-stops. Don’t you think you could do ...
on 2020-01-23 14:48:15 by torbar4life - Tykkäykset: 16 | Luokitus: 28.33)
English There is nothing that is willing to be done to fix this Debik made it clear he will not change the rating of non pit series vs team racing series with pit crews. as he explained it 911 Porsche series is a Feeder series for drivers going into f1 racing.. Players are allowed to used this becuaswe the perce...
on 2020-01-23 13:22:52 by TerryWilson - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.95)
English Car Rating Stat I could see this working we see it in all forms of motor sports you cant just jump in and be competitive in a car Montoya F1/Nascar plenty from Indy/Nascar and vise versa maybe a specialty rating for each series so you have to choose your path and ma...
on 2020-01-23 12:56:27 by AlanDavis - Tykkäykset: 0 | Luokitus: 0.00)
Italiano Resoconto 35° stagione Siamo ai titoli di coda per quanto riguarda la stagione 35, mancano solamente pochissime gare al termine ma non tutte le posizioni in classifica in ogni serie sono ben definite. Vediamo come si sono posizionati (o in che posizione si trovano attualme...
on 2020-01-23 01:04:07 by AlessioAlek - Tykkäykset: 13 | Luokitus: 23.45)
English Suggestion If anything a fix could be that car rating can't translate the same as moto rating and viceversa. But then you'd have to earn by car/moto rating and by general rating. Not sure if that's possible to do, but maybe it would be an option. Let's make ...
on 2020-01-22 22:15:41 by JordiMontané - Tykkäykset: 3 | Luokitus: 5.78)
Português, Brasil Um grande final é esperado na NASC Mexico Series A NASC Mexico Series terá seu final neste domingo, no Autódromo Hermanos Rodríguez na Cidade do México. Quatro pilotos chegam com chances de título, sendo que quem lidera é o belga Jackson Ickx com 566 pontos e 10 vitórias em 14 etapas. Mas quem pode...
on 2020-01-22 20:56:21 by Igor4843 - Tykkäykset: 1 | Luokitus: 1.83)
Français Cette fois c'est la bonne? Voilà, dernière manche du championnat asiatique de F3 et après un début de saison bien terne Jules Alesi arrive en tête avant les deux dernières courses. Pour l'instant le pilote a toujours grimpé dans les séries sans jamais remporter un seul cha...
on 2020-01-22 09:18:41 by EmlinDaw - Tykkäykset: 4 | Luokitus: 6.81)
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