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Lehdistötiedotteet - McLaren & Honda like a murder marriage!!

McLaren & Honda like a murder marriage!!

Expectation were very high when McLaren & Honda renew vows to try to partner up and win the championship in F1. Like any great marriage every thing started off roses and everyone simple thought it was going to take time.

McLaren the sex woman with the smooth curves that huge the road so silky smooth and easy was going to be powered by the brute chiseled hunky man of Honda engines. Uh, Did I get something wrong here??

McLaren was never the sex woman that was dropped my Mercedes when the chassis was unable to preform up to the standards that Mercedes wanted. Mercedes knew even with an average chassis and a great engine they were better off then have McLaren build chassis for them.

McLaren was a desperate woman looking for any man with money & power to come looking. What they found was an Asian man with a lot of money but not really known for their power but made up with wit, smarts and ability to use size as it advantage.

Honda was more then willing to take the risk after failing to make any ground as a Manufacture; due to power engine power and chassis design equaling a huge barking dog that they were.

So You have really the beaten up former Wife of a heavy weight champion with a barking dog; did anyone see the results going any differently then they are currently?

Honda was super aggressive when they designed their first engine two years ago as I remember reading and not understanding majority of what was written about the engine but I knew the concept was gaming changing if they could get it to work. First day of testing and many days after the engine was too complicated and failed. They worked all season limited by the coins system; worse idea ever in F1 by the way. They made huge improvements but could solve the underlying issues with the engine and gave up. Huge mistake as I would have continued developing in the back ground.

So Here we are in season two a new engine again, this more conventional and once again they are having issues but this time it is due to the late switch in develop from concept engine from the year before to the new conventional one this season. Followed by unexpected results with mounting the engine in the McLaren chassis. The engine was unreliable once again.

So everyone is looking for me to lay blame; I cannot lay blame as both parties like a marriage are to blame for this mess.

McLaren demands were too high for Honda in the first year with this zero room concept Honda engine that was going to blow the water out of the competition while allowing them to get nips and tucks everywhere making they look sexy. By now everyone should know that a sexy girl doesn't win the race but rather the girl that is willing to get dirty. McLaren after all the nips and tucks looked great but they limited the ability to generate horse power to the Honda engine by doing so. Honda also has blame since being the smart wit man in the relationship should have said "honey, It great that you are getting nips & tucks every where but shouldn't we focus on getting the muscle that we need to win the race. Why don't we head to the gym instead of the doctors?"

Honda second mistake (and maybe not), was switching engines designs this year after the concept engine failed. As they were getting better results towards the end of the season. But they switched and look more promising to start the season towards the top part of the grid. The engine gods decided against Honda again by making the newly nipped & tucked McLaren and Honda incompatible shaking the engine apart from the inside out. Okay, So they needed more time to fix the issue so instead of working together what happens next?

Yeah, The newly nipped and tucked now thinking they are beautiful again wife starts shooting her mouth off about how poorly done to she is?!? Uh, Really!! You had no dance partner only two/three years ago and Honda came a dancing. You asked of an aggressive nip & tuck design with a small compact engine that was aggressive. Now you decide to kick your partner to the curb??

Mclaren is like the murderous wife that no one wants. Made huge demands, asked of lots of money and power but wasn't willing to work to get the overall results done. Then blames the partner for the failed relationship publicly so their partner can only defend them shelves in a losing cause.

This divorce cannot come fast enough for Honda!!

Honda; I hope them well with a new dance partner as they will be successful with a patient partner. Toro Rosso will be reward hugely if this is whom Honda ends up dancing with since they will come good given time. They are smart and wit afterall.

McLaren, The ugly wife will sadly continue to fall flat on their face and this time without the support from Honda or Mercedes. They will now feel the full blame for their inability to get down and dirty. They may look good next year with a new partner in Renault but does anyone expect the ugly girl to be able to stand with Semi attractive Red Bull girl or the new improved Renault?

Sadly I see them as stated above on their face behind Mercedes, Ferrari, Red Bull, Renault & Fore Whatever. That is not a huge step up the grid when you compare it to where they stand now with Honda and potential of where Honda might take them if they can get the act together and fit their issues.

Now consider this; Toro Rosso have always been known as the sexy little sister of Red Bull now if they can get that Smart wit Asian man to produce where will they end up on the grid?

Remember Red Bull was looking for a dance partner a few years ago when they thought they were better then Renault. That bit them in the asre so now they are letting the little sister doing the dancing with Honda before they sweep in?

McLaren if they want to become sexy again they will need to either build their own engines or partner with an engine supplier that they can work with. This means they need to be more patient then they have been with Honda. 2021 seems a long way away but cannot come soon enough for McLaren as the rumors are abound with a whole bunch of new partners.

But what a massacre this relationship has turned out to be!!

on 2017-09-09 01:15:41 by Canada_Red
Tykkäykset: 3 | Luokitus: 5.11

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