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Lehdistötiedotteet - BREAKING NEWS - Antoine Poucette will leave F1 and the Red Bull team at the end of this season

BREAKING NEWS - Antoine Poucette will leave F1 and the Red Bull team at the end of this season

Antoine Poucette, the French RBR pilot has decided to quit F1 at the end of the season.

The Red Bull team manager has to face a real challenge in order to replace him and find a new talentuous pilot.

At this point we just know that some discussions have just started with some interesting pilots but no decision has yet been taken. We just know that some F1 pilots are interested to join Philippe de Saint-Germain Jr in the RBR Vaillante team.

on 2014-11-11 19:15:52 by JordanF1
Tykkäykset: 10 | Luokitus: 16.10

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