MyRacingCareer uutiset
Design Challenge #64
A pretty sweet challenge for July is coming up! Participate for the chance to get some coins!
English @ 2023-06-30
Muutoksia kaudelle 52 ja tärkeitä uutisia
Kuten jotkut teistä pyysivät, tässä on tietoa niistä muutoksista ja uutisista, jotka voimme jakaa kanssasi kaudelle 52 ja myös sitä seuraavalle! ;)
Suomi @ 2023-06-08
Design Challenge #63
June means Le Mans, so this will be the topic this month!
English @ 2023-06-01
Design Challenge #62
Things get galactic this month with our new Design Challenge! Will you go light or dark side?
English @ 2023-05-01
Design Challenge #61
April is almost upon us and a new Design Challenge is here!
English @ 2023-03-30
Some important news + changes and deadlines for season 51
Another season is coming to an end, but before 51 comes in, it's time to catch up with all the changes which will be implemented for the next 77 days and also remind you of the Season Series Deadlines :)
English @ 2023-03-24
Design Challenge #60
Each month more and more people participate... will you be the next winner?
English @ 2023-03-01
Design Challenge #59
Another month, and another chance to win with your design skills!
English @ 2023-02-01
Changes for Season 50
Wow, it's been a while since the first one :) keep reading to know more about some of the new things that are already available in the game.
English @ 2023-01-16
MRC:n vieminen uudelle tasolle: Tarvitsemme apuanne & Kauden 50 aikarajat
Kuten tavallisestikin kauden loppuessa, esittelemme loppukauden aikarajat. Se ei kuitenkaan ole ainoa uutinen, joten jatkakaa lukemista...
Suomi @ 2023-01-03