MyRacingCareer uutiset
In The Saddle of 2017 & Press Releases!
Hope everyone had a great New Years!
English @ 2017-01-14
New Partnership - RGPL League
Hello, let me introduce ourselves! We are RGPL league and we are fans of motorsport - racing cars series. But of course our hobby is very demanding financially and not everybody has finances to buy/build a car and go racing we fell in love with virtual racing. They call this virtual sport as SimRacing.
English @ 2017-01-11
Hyvää uutta vuotta 2017!
Vuoden 2016 viimeinen artikkeli!
Suomi @ 2016-12-31
Joulu 2016!
Tervehdys managerit, on jälleen se aika vuodesta jolloin on jouluaatto. Me täällä MRC-tiimissä haluaisimme toivottaa teille ja perheillenne oikein, oikein hyvä joulua!
Suomi @ 2016-12-24
Uusia moottoripyöriä!
Jokunen päivä ennen joulua yksikään moottori ei hyrissyt, ei edes Honda, koska DebiK oli valmistamassa aikaisia joulutoimituksiaan hyvin ansioituneille managereille!
Suomi @ 2016-12-23
Uusi sosiaalinen media!
Koska jouluun on enää pari viikkoa, DebiK on päättänyt antaa meille meille hieman etukäteen lahjan uuden Instagram-sivun muodossa.
Suomi @ 2016-12-11
End of Season 20 News
As you all know, we have made it to the end of season 20!
Congratulations to everyone who competed in their series races this season, especially the champions of this season!
English @ 2016-11-30
Surprise Weekend Article
From the desk of DebiK: After longer consideration and thinking how to bring some variability to the game I came up with this idea. It will create some differences between tracks and driver skills... And more possibilities for long term strategy of driver management. The plan is to launch it for new season.
English @ 2016-11-18
Rally Development!
Remember that time we mentioned rally? News for everyone who loves to go fast on dirt, slinging a car sideways in a blind crest, or if you love to get massive air on jumps.
English @ 2016-11-16
Rules and Reminders
It is very important that managers check the rules if they are unsure about something. Everyone is capable of making errors, even those in the F1 series.
English @ 2016-10-28