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Suomi Kysymyksiä, vastauksia ja itsestäänselvyyksiä. Suomen rankinglistalla sijalla 80 majaileva Valtteri Sinisalo päätti tänään hiljennellä toimittajien mielenkiintoa vastailemalla heitä kiinnostaviin kysymyksiin. Alla olevasta listasta näkyvät kaikki kysymykset joihin Sinisalolla oli aikaa vastata. ...
2014-09-01 15:58:03 por FinnishGuy - Me gusta: 7 | Puntuación: 11.26)
English Rage Self Destructs - Hanson Wakes Up : F3 American Series Race Report After 5 wins in 5 races Rage motorsports were sitting happily on the grid for the second race in Denver, and why shouldn't they be, they were occupying positions 1, 2, 4 and 5. However the race ended in a completely different outcome. Things star...
2014-09-01 14:24:07 por thedonz - Me gusta: 7 | Puntuación: 9.80)
English Merkel attacks Manager Well informed sources have told the GRAND PRIX EXPRESS that after the last Formula 1 race there was a heated discussion between German Driver Angela Merkel and his Manager. The shouting could be heard well outside Merkels Trailer. Obviously Merkel...
2014-09-01 09:02:19 por Fixboy - Me gusta: 13 | Puntuación: 20.47)
Español venezula luce hola me llamo tirso vengo kn todo para ganar la copa para llevarla a pais VENEZULEA
2014-09-01 05:40:05 por SantiagoAgrinzones - Me gusta: 0 | Puntuación: 0.00)
Italiano inizia l'avventura..... grazie agli sponsor , la stagione stà per cominciare
2014-08-31 22:10:16 por MicheleBarni - Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.88)
English Team Battles - Monaco Grand Prix Everybody knows that the most important opponent to beat is your teammate. Teammate has the same car and he is a good reference. We predicted Libor win last time and he won. 5th winner after 5th GP. Unfortunately Acarini destroyed run of luck and ...
2014-08-31 21:20:24 por Wokinger - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 10.13)
Français saffaasfsa dsaffasfsdsfasd
2014-08-31 17:56:06 por Szivessa - Me gusta: 0 | Puntuación: 0.00)
English BEST DRIVER FRANK FREMER has been confirmed as the best driver in the next 2 months just wait for this young Ugandan boy.
2014-08-31 17:34:44 por FrankMugenyi - Me gusta: 0 | Puntuación: 0.00)
English Beginning of the career of the Russian pilot M. Mikhaylov in a formula-3. Correspondent edition Internet of "sports news" (K.S.N.): Hello, the correspondent the edition Internet of "sports news", allow to congratulate you on a debut in races of a formula-3 and to ask you some questions. Pilot of a fo...
2014-08-31 14:17:31 por veryhardx - Me gusta: 4 | Puntuación: 6.92)
Slovenčina Team My Racing Career Zdravím vo spolok banda. Je predpoklad, že tlačovky aj keď síce nelaikuje ale číta viac ludí ako fórum, tak to píšem aj sem. Slovenský tím hry potrebuje aktívnych pomocníkov. Nebudem písať o odmene za účasť v tíme pomocníkov, pretože ak to nie...
2014-08-31 12:18:50 por vili73 - Me gusta: 7 | Puntuación: 7.94)
Magyar Sziasztok! Zsolt Langstadlerről (22 éves) autóversenyzőröl egy sajtóközleményt készítünk! - Szia Zsolt, szeretnénk egy sajtóközleményt készíteni a karieredről! - Rendben! - Első kérdésünk: mit akarsz elérni a pályafutásod alatt? - Első dolog Forma-1 be bekerülni vagy valamilyen magas szériában, második dolog sikeres versenyző lenni! -...
2014-08-30 22:25:36 por Zsoltika2014 - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 1.28)
English Denver MileHigh-lights Jason Anderson reporting from Denver after the short race in the F3 American series. Rage Motorsport had another strong outing today, with Nick Wheeler notching his first win of the series, and the Rage pilots sitting 1,2,4,5 at the end of the rac...
2014-08-30 18:56:52 por Lee1950 - Me gusta: 8 | Puntuación: 10.68)
Latviešu Jauns F1 saits! Sveiki! Šoreiz ne par spēli būs šī relīze. Dienasgaismu ieraudzījis jauns Formula 1 portāls latviešu valodā . Būtu ļoti patīkami uzzināt jūsu viedokli kas patīk, kas nepatīk, ko mainīt, ko nē. Atšķirībā no lielākās daļas cit...
2014-08-29 15:52:39 por kretins - Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.39)
English Lyn finished 4th in Premiere Oval series Despite showing quite a bit of promise, Lyn Vos has never achieved a top 5 finish in a series in the past. But she finally managed to impress during an entire series by taking 4th in the Premiere Oval series. Meanwhile she qualified 9th for the Am...
2014-08-29 01:18:19 por Azureika - Me gusta: 9 | Puntuación: 9.41)
English Wheeler Notches 4th Consecutive Custom Series Top-5 American up-and-comer Nick Wheeler punched his ticket to his 4th overall top-5 in as many attempts this morning, taking 4th place on the final stage of Le Tour de France VLI at Mas du Clos. It's the second time Wheeler has run the French custom se...
2014-08-28 17:06:49 por nwheel - Me gusta: 7 | Puntuación: 9.77)
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