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English Hilton Ecstatic After First Victory Kasey Hilton was trailing Tapansi Kansa by over ten seconds with five laps to go in extremely wet conditions on the wonderful track of Trois-Rivières. He knew it would take a miracle/tragic mistake by Kansa to hand him this victory. He was counting o...
2015-08-06 07:28:23 por mach5 - Me gusta: 5 | Puntuación: 8.44)
Nederlands Levi ongoocheld na nations cup race in Sochi Het begon allemaal zo voorspoedig, waarbij Levi De Backer na een wervelende kwalificatie zijn bolide op de Russische vlakte over de finish lijn soleerde om een prachtige zesde tijd te noteren. Eén van de beste rondjes uit zijn nog korte carrière. ...
2015-08-04 14:18:34 por Rossdale - Me gusta: 3 | Puntuación: 4.78)
English Hendrix to Retire, US President Will Not Seek Re-Election After about 3 solid seasons, it appears as if US youngster Eric Hendrix is about to retire. "I don't regret anything about my career as it currently stands," said Hendrix, "but I feel as if it is my time to leave. I've decided to e...
2015-08-04 04:05:07 por ablesser88 - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 10.20)
Español ¡Sigue la racha ganadora! El circuito de Navarra, 7ª etapa de la “Formula 3 Spanish Series” ha visto una semana casi perfecta para Marc Gil: 2 victorias inapelables, liderando las dos carreras prácticamente en su totalidad y confirmando la recuperación apuntada la semana ante...
2015-08-04 03:09:47 por felson - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 3.40)
English Off the Track Scuff Costs Team Owner Some Cash as Staci Evans Rages! The owner and manager of the F3 35 car Loyal W has decided his driver needs some training in Public Relations after on off the track incident last weekend. The MidWest Post reports on the incident and the responses. MWP: Loyal, your driver Stac...
2015-08-04 01:02:27 por LoyalW - Me gusta: 9 | Puntuación: 14.82)
English Croatian Series change of Calender Hi, by the request of the CROMA there was a change in the Croatian Series Calander. These tracks have been added: Navak,Zaluza... and Monza One track from every neighbor Country has been added. Some tracks have been removed from the Series. Pl...
2015-08-04 00:26:12 por daniel00cro - Me gusta: 3 | Puntuación: 5.23)
Nederlands Dino kijkt naar het echte werk Na zijn eerste week racen en mooie prestaties ging Dino eens kijken naar het echte werk. Dino ging namelijk naar Assen om de races daar eens goed te bekijken. Hier zag hij ook hele goeie coureurs waaronder onze Nederlandse formule 1 coureur Max Verst...
2015-08-03 18:36:36 por Dionsta02 - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 3.17)
English F1 NEWS Good! Read this edition of F1 NEWS and stay abreast of how F1 is at the moment, with special information from the Luso-British team Winsdor Alliance Racing and exclusive interviews! Paolo Grandi is in the first position with 6 points ahead to Phil...
2015-08-03 18:23:10 por Rafarato - Me gusta: 8 | Puntuación: 13.31)
Português, Brasil F1 NEWS Boas!Leia esta edição da F1 NEWS e fique a par de como está a F1 neste momento,com informação especial da equipa luso-britânica Winsdor Alliance Racing e entrevistas exclusivas! Paolo Grandi está em primeiro do campeonato com 6 pontos de avanço p...
2015-08-03 18:05:27 por Rafarato - Me gusta: 3 | Puntuación: 5.41)
Português F1 NEWS Boas!Leia esta edição da F1 NEWS e fique a par de como está a F1 neste momento,com informação especial da equipa luso-britânica Winsdor Alliance Racing e entrevistas exclusivas! Paolo Grandi está em primeiro do campeonato com 6 pontos de avanço p...
2015-08-03 17:56:28 por Rafarato - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 8.81)
Hrvatski Promijenjen je kalendar utrka za Prvenstvo Hrvatske u F3 Za vas koji još niste vidjeli promijenjen je kalendar utrka za 15 sezonu Hrvatskog Prvenstva (Croatian Series). Dodane su nove staze iz susjednih država: Srbija-Nav... više detalja otiđite na stranicu serije.
2015-08-03 15:25:43 por daniel00cro - Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.62)
Português Mensagem de Teodoro Vital no Facebook: Seleção Nacional Caros amigos e fãs de automobilismo: Em primeiro lugar gostava de demonstrar todo o meu orgulho por ter sido selecionado para representar este nosso grande país na Taça das Nações. Posso dizer que foi o realizar de um sonho. Infelizmente, nem t...
2015-08-03 11:17:31 por Xequemoz - Me gusta: 4 | Puntuación: 6.48)
Čeština Výsledky poháru národů sezona 14 - 7. týden Pravidelný report o výsledcích poháru národů je tady. Dopředu Vám říkám, že jsem těžce na*raný a tak kdybych si s někým nebral servítky tak se nedivte. Taky o Wolfovi se rozepíšu trochu víc a pěkně ho seřvu, protože mám k dispozici data nastavení ...
2015-08-03 08:25:47 por wandaL - Me gusta: 5 | Puntuación: 8.28)
English Team Jordan fan helmet Hi guys! Later than others the Team Jordan would like to present its own fan helmets. If you are allready a fan of us you can find those free helmets at http://www.myrac... is plenty of them to take for free so do not waste your time and make sure...
2015-08-03 07:47:28 por wandaL - Me gusta: 3 | Puntuación: 4.61)
English Disappointing week! Another disappointing week for Tobias R. Steegs and his manager Rene Steegs. After a success in Germany, this weeks races in the Netherlands on the track in Assen, weren't that successful. The qualification and the sprint race went well, with a 9th ...
2015-08-03 03:01:14 por RenéSteegs - Me gusta: 3 | Puntuación: 4.53)
1 ... 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 ... 838