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Čeština Výsledky poháru národů sezona 16 - 2. týden Nadešel třetí týden sezony 16 a zde je report o poháru národů. Nepíše se mi to zrovna dobře... Kvalifi... Charvec 2. Břetislav Zatáčka 8. Honza Drápalík 7. Rocco Wolf 8. U21 Tomáš Przeczek Jr. 3. Stanislav Smutný 5. So far so ...
2015-11-30 08:03:56 por wandaL - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 9.14)
Română Nico Rosberg a câștigat ultima cursă a anului în Mondialul de Formula 1 Pilotul german Nico Rosberg (Mercedes), plecat din pole position, a câştigat duminică Marele Premiu de Formula 1 de la Abu Dhabi, a 19-a şi ultima etapă a Campionatului Mondial, devansându-l pe coechipierul său, britanicul Lewis Hamilton, care avea a...
2015-11-30 06:54:58 por DoRuF1 - Me gusta: 0 | Puntuación: 0.00)
Română Rosberg, pole-position la Abu Dhabi! Pilotul german Nico Rosberg (Mercedes) va pleca de pe prima poziţie a grilei de start în Marele Premiu de Formula 1 de la Abu Dhabi, alături de coechipierul său britanic Lewis Hamilton. Acesta este al şaselea pole-position consecutiv pentru Rosber...
2015-11-30 06:54:23 por DoRuF1 - Me gusta: 0 | Puntuación: 0.00)
English New New Zealand Driver Warms Up Alan Blake begins his Rookie racing today and extends a warm welcome to his sponsors and looks forward to competing
2015-11-30 03:43:53 por OwenBlack - Me gusta: 4 | Puntuación: 1.94)
English First F1 win for Novikov The Russian rookie Damon Michael Novikov took his first grand prix victory in the Bahrain GP and proved that he is going to fight for the title against Rapido, Grosjean Jr and Saint-Germain Jr. F1 GP Winners P. de Saint-Germain Jr 46 P. Grandi 3...
2015-11-29 20:48:40 por PanagiotisMazarakis - Me gusta: 8 | Puntuación: 11.82)
English First F1 win for Novikov The Russian rookie Damon Michael Novikov took his first grand prix victory in the Bahrain GP and proved that he is going to fight for the title against Rapido, Grosjean Jr and Saint-Germain Jr. F1 GP Winners P. de Saint-Germain Jr 46 P. Grandi 3...
2015-11-29 20:44:32 por PanagiotisMazarakis - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 3.71)
Ελληνικά First F1 win for Novikov The Russian rookie Damon Michael Novikov took his first grand prix victory in the Bahrain GP and proved that he is going to fight for the title against Rapido, Grosjean Jr and Saint-Germain Jr. F1 GP Winners P. de Saint-Germain Jr 46 P. Grandi ...
2015-11-29 20:43:11 por PanagiotisMazarakis - Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.65)
English ThatFPM8Guy: Rapido and Novikov 'the best' out there Meanwhile his young driver Wilsean Dahir is impressing in the F3 British Series, all of FPM8's eyes goes on the F1 races. His favourite ones to watch were Rocco Rapido (the young gun setting the records) and Damon Michael Novikov (the newboy who is p...
2015-11-29 20:20:02 por ThatFPM8Guy - Me gusta: 20 | Puntuación: 30.01)
Hrvatski Hrvati nakon 2. tjedna 16 sezone Nakon 2. tjedna hrvatskog prvenstva došlo je do promijene u ukupnom poretku, nakon odličnog tjedna Naujokas je preuzeo vodstvo u ukupnom poretku, dijeli prvo mjesto sa nizozemcem De Grootom, Trputec je isto imao dobar tjedan i zaostaja za prvom dvoji...
2015-11-29 19:57:16 por daniel00cro - Me gusta: 4 | Puntuación: 4.99)
Slovenčina Slovenská stopa v A1 (18.11. - 22.11) Slováci sa predstavili v A1 a nesklamali, ale všetkých predčil Dominik Dán svojim Grand Slamom, kedy vyhral kvalifikáciu i oba preteky. Adriána Sklenaříková Brno Q-15, R-15, R-20 sa vylepšila z 29.miesta po tom, čo kolidovala s chorvátskym súpero...
2015-11-29 18:01:15 por Formulak - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 10.57)
Italiano F3 News - Campionato Italiano U21 Buongiorno a tutti e bentrovati al nuovo programma F3 News By Krova. Siamo giunti alla seconda prova del campionato nazionale riservato alle giovani promesse U21 del nostro belpaese. Ma passiamo subito ad intervistare i protagonisti: Il Vinc...
2015-11-29 16:15:24 por KrovatarGERO - Me gusta: 8 | Puntuación: 10.04)
English Third place Second race - third place!!! Let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!
2015-11-29 14:57:32 por DonnQuijote - Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.76)
English Not Easy Not easy but i guess i am no1 soon good luck to me
2015-11-29 14:08:05 por MarcusEricsson - Me gusta: 0 | Puntuación: 0.00)
English International Single Race Cup (ISRC) Hi, I want to start International Single Race Cup. What´s going on? Every Monday and Thursday i write here place and date of the single race, for exp.: 01.12.2015 07:40:00 F3 Single Race - Bushy Park Every contestant join there, and after race...
2015-11-29 12:47:47 por olilongi777 - Me gusta: 7 | Puntuación: 10.81)
Magyar Családi hagyomány Tegnap magyar siker született a csehországbeli Brno-ban: Krasznai János elsőként haladt át a célvonalon a Rookie-Series szombati versenyén! A fiatal újoncnak ez volt a sorozatbeli első győzelme, ezzel egy szép családi hagyományt követ. Apai ági félte...
2015-11-29 11:10:02 por korgpa3le - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 3.15)
1 ... 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 ... 851