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Čeština Pohár národů S24 3. týden No ale za námi se to začlo pěkně štocovat, tak jak to dopadne po sprintě i po hlavním závodě? No napnutý jsem jako struna. Hážeme na to očko Vybraní seniorští jezdci: Rocco Wolf Libor Vaclav Dan Daniel Jaroslav Kaderabek Jr. Vybraní junioršt...
2017-08-16 11:48:23 por Ludwei - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 10.77)
Español Comienzo de Shanne Tanner Se le da la oportunidad a este novato de debutar en el MRC a ver colo le va!!!
2017-08-15 15:59:13 por Tanner - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 1.80)
English GENE HAAS, "DEPRESSED" BY THE DIFFERENCES WITH THREE FIRST TEAMS Haas owner Gene Haas acknowledges feeling "depressed" by the differences between the first three teams and the rest of the teams, considering that these are "light years" of the rest of the grid. Thus, the American claims not t...
2017-08-15 15:16:22 por MrDaf - Me gusta: 4 | Puntuación: 6.98)
Русский Быть или не быть? Ветеран автоспорта Олег Петров выступающий в этом сезоне за команду БМВ судя по всему не намерен завершать карьеру. Об этом стало известно из разговора с менеджером Олега. Менеджер прокоменти... это так-" Олег конечно считается ветераном в мире ...
2017-08-15 09:19:07 por XvitekX - Me gusta: 5 | Puntuación: 9.05)
English F1 Power Rankings: Week III Hi again fellas! Here are the Power Rankings update with 6 MRC F1 GPs already ran. Formula Explanation: Power Ranking is calculated in five steps (see examples below): 1. Race finish position divided by number of drivers. 2. Multiply the res...
2017-08-15 02:18:29 por Tigerman - Me gusta: 7 | Puntuación: 12.51)
Deutsch Wie läufts denn so Claire Grube? Wir erreichen so langsam das Ende des ersten Drittels in dieser Saison. Ein guter Zeitpunkt um sich mit Claire Grube zusammen zu setzen und ein kleinen Schwatz zu halten. GPE: "Claire, phantastisches Wochenende in der F2. Hat sich der Wechsel...
2017-08-14 20:39:02 por Fixboy - Me gusta: 9 | Puntuación: 14.25)
English Baralair won race in Monaco for Ferrari! First of all, we need to say one thing - Ferrari is far from "the best car in F1" and also our drivers aren´t in Club 100. But after a lot of seasons where we were underdogs last 3 seasons shows that also Ferrari have some really good ma...
2017-08-14 12:51:28 por olilongi777 - Me gusta: 19 | Puntuación: 31.42)
English Kubica Kubica on his future said that "after today, it is too early to say what could be the next step. For now, I must thank the whole Renault Sport team for having done this test."
2017-08-14 04:57:01 por MrDaf - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 3.31)
English Rebirth It was great to the polish driver on the track but it was very clear from his body language and that of the Renault team that they had expected more from him during the test. While he focused on parts development testing in the morning he had com...
2017-08-14 02:54:14 por Canada_Red - Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.17)
English Stockholm under 21 Shocker Zach Austin Stuns the Under 21 field and pulls of his First Victory in this Mega Series. Zach Stunned by his top 10 start spot on Saturday Pulled off the unlikely victory over Series Leaders Karminov and Villanova. He wanted to give mad props to Ka...
2017-08-13 23:40:09 por BradleyBundy - Me gusta: 3 | Puntuación: 4.94)
Magyar Menedzser és pilótája - I. A 24. évad második negyedében kapcsolódott be a versenyzés világába a teljesen újonc menedzser-pilóta páros. A menedzser (Alfréd) és a versenyző (Renáta) is teljesen más világból csöppent ide, bár eddig is érdeklődéssel pislogtak e terület felé. Íme,...
2017-08-13 20:54:46 por AlfrédGeissler - Me gusta: 2 | Puntuación: 1.84)
Português Vitória surpreendente de Baralair na F1! Chegámos ao fim de mais um grande prémio da F1 World Series e não podiamos esperar mais da corrida de Monte Carlo. Uma pista muito diferente de qualquer outra pista de Fórmula 1. As suas curvas estreitas tornam-na uma das mais espetaculares pist...
2017-08-13 19:38:38 por Rafarato - Me gusta: 7 | Puntuación: 12.33)
Português Estou de volta! Boas! Estou de volta ao My Racing Career com o meu novo piloto Tiago Monteiro Jr e ele promete! Se tiverem qualquer dúvida para além de perguntarem nos fóruns onde a equipa portuguesa do MRC terá o maior prazer em responder também me podem perg...
2017-08-13 17:25:52 por Rafarato - Me gusta: 1 | Puntuación: 1.71)
English The rebirth of Kubica Robert Kubica was the real protagonist of the second day of test of Formula 1 in Hungary. Just as Vettel was flying with the Ferrari, the McLaren finish second or Helmut Mako met with Honda representatives in search of the power unit for next season,...
2017-08-13 13:56:55 por MrDaf - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 9.13)
English here win trophies hi everyone i am here to burn up the new season.yeah am very excited about the new season.
2017-08-12 11:20:14 por AndreThompson - Me gusta: 0 | Puntuación: 0.00)
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