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Comunicados de Prensa - ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄntligen!!!


Was the first Swedish words out of the mouth of Kenny Wirdheim "Prince of Indianapolis" after Finally! winning a round in INDY. Winning the race at Gateway in his rookie season after two 2nd positions in Indianapolis, Both the GP and INDY 500 and 2 more podiums aswell a new Qual record @ Road America. Sitting 3rd in the series is a position Kenny hope to stay at to conclude his maiden season in INDY.
Kenny will not reveal yet where to go for next season.
"Nothing is written, Nothing is signed" "I am still getting offers and i will wage them carefully before signing anything"

2020-01-19 00:46:47 por HåkanFerm
Me gusta: 3 | Puntuación: 5.77

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