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Comunicados de Prensa - I would like to remind you,, Your getting Politcal

I would like to remind you,, Your getting Politcal

I said Nothing about US Law.. But like the other post,... KEEP YOUR POLITICAL Views to social media! This a Game a Racing game . Nobody cares about your Political views Nor mine! Is that pretty simple.. Once again READ forum Rules! It applies Universally.

Thank You!

2018-06-02 03:01:54 por TerryWilson
Me gusta: 5 | Puntuación: 9.42
Esta es una reacción al siguiente comunicado de prensa:

If You're Gonna Play in Texas

2018-06-01 19:37:39 por EugeneBellamy - Me gusta: 6 | Puntuación: 11.367

That's the title of a great song by Alabama and for those that haven't heard it it goes like this: "If you're gonna play in Texas, you got to have a fiddle in the band" Now after reading TerryWilson's reaction, I've got a new version ...

Reacciones a este comunicado de prensa

The Flames are Out of Control in Texas!

2018-06-02 22:07:35 por EugeneBellamy - Me gusta: 5 | Puntuación: 9.435

Now I'm not an advocate of public flame wars, but there are times when individuals need to stand up for the rights of others and if necessary for themselves. Harassment and bullying is where I draw the line. The recent barrage of such activity ...

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