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Comunicados de Prensa - Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points

Porsche Racing: Coins for Voting Points

Another year has come and gone, and now it’s time to reward our fans for their support.

Here is the list of all voting points donations we received for season 47:
Thisken ............ 1.600 (25 coins)
gripy ............ 1.500 *
jaytherainman ............ 1.500 *
MasterSplinter ............ 1.500 *
torbar4life ............ 1.500 *
TheBrick ............ 1.250 (25 coins)
DickDastardly ............ 1.000 *
toxic ............ 1.000 *
darklestat ............ 750 *
Lumicad ............ 750 *
Dyanisus ............ 750 (15 coins)
EugeneBellamy ............ 700 *
Deuce ............ 600 *
ArtisMAKANS ............ 496 *
Mazinho ............ 366 *
Gabrielius ............ 266 (5 coins)
LionKing13 ............ 250 (5 coins)
HåkanFerm ............ 213 *
johnnyracer24 ............ 49
Soran ............ 45

TOTAL: 16.085

* - Porsche Racing shareholder

In addition to that we will also reward daniel00cro with 20 coins for his 2.748.582 € donation.

We will continue to reward coins for your donations for season 48 too:

- all donors of 1250+ voting points will receive 25 coins;
- all donors of 1000 to 1249 voting points will receive 20 coins;
- all donors of 750 to 999 voting points will receive 15 coins;
- all donors of 500 to 749 voting points will receive 10 coins;
- all donors of 250 to 499 voting points will receive 5 coins.
- we will also reward you with 1 coin for every 150k donated.

Thank you for your support,
Porsche racing

2022-08-17 16:25:53 por gripy
Me gusta: 10 | Puntuación: 18.99

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