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Comunicados de Prensa - Terry's Not Wrong, but this New System Is!

Terry's Not Wrong, but this New System Is!

For once Terry isn't talking nonsense. This new system is entirely unfair. I posted about this when it was suggested but clearly somebody else shouted louder.

Any system that charges teams differently to participate in a game where they get an identical experience is in and of itself inherently unfair. What's worse is that those at the bottom arguably get a worse experience due to the nature of a competitive simulation game and are now being charged more for the privilege of being in a game where mathematically they can never catch up. This new system literally has the bottom 6 teams paying so the top 4 can continue to race for titles indefinitely.

Ford, for me, falls just above the cusp of acceptability. We are going to be looking at around 150 coins per major share issue and maybe another 50 for the minor (that wasn't actually very clear). Luckily for me I have a great set of owners who often pony up for our share issues and we have long had a system in place to maintain as much fairness in the team as possible so it's not a killer for us. BUT if Ford were a 600 rated team... I would be out of F1 with no hesitation at all with this new system.

2021-12-21 19:37:39 por Wresdan
Me gusta: 8 | Puntuación: 15.50
Esta es una reacción al siguiente comunicado de prensa:

New Share Issue system

2021-12-20 08:57:13 por TerryWilson - Me gusta: 4 | Puntuación: 7.700

While a friend sent me link to New share issue written on the blog. While it all sound goods in theory. In practice is what I wish to inform you on. Chevy must do both share issue to "Pay to close the Gap" in Developers terms. In my words...

Reacciones a este comunicado de prensa

Maybe a slightly different approach is needed.

2021-12-22 10:23:39 por TerryWilson - Me gusta: 4 | Puntuación: 7.722

often we complain about changes even if there is some positives. The origonal Idea about unfairness in top 3 teams stems from share issue 2.. My team with 600 rating no matter how much Image we Buy! still falls way short of the top 3 sponsor offers....

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