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Comunicados de Prensa - Ema Dillinger Responds to Kenny Wirdheim Retiring

Ema Dillinger Responds to Kenny Wirdheim Retiring

I hate to see you go Kenny. You were a real inspiration to me, and I´m going to train with my manager to become better then you. Im sure that im not the only one that is sad to see you go, but I guess age does come to bite you. I was hoping to race you before this, but now that your throwing two series for challengers, Ill get my chance, and I promise that I wont disappoint you Kenny. Have fun in retirement Kenny. Love you.

2021-04-06 18:02:37 por NightSlasher
Me gusta: 5 | Puntuación: 9.08
Esta es una reacción al siguiente comunicado de prensa:

Kenny Wirdheim Retires - And throws 2 parties!!

2021-04-05 15:51:20 por HåkanFerm - Me gusta: 26 | Puntuación: 47.924

Even the handsome gets old. Kenny Wirdheim the unfit talented whizzkid who hated training has decided to step down. He himself is a living proof that you dont need to be the best trained driver to win a F1 race. You need a good team and teamwork ...

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