Δελτία Τύπου - F3 Masters Update
F3 Masters Update
Hey guys, it's about time I do an update after being silent for a bit too long now so basically with the way my life is going and the way im trying to fund everything and stuff like that, I didn't fuifill anyones hopes last season and it was completely my fault, to limit the stress of myself, I don't think I can do a F3 masters this season, i apologise to everyone for being really lacklustre the last few seasons with the payments with coins and everything, i always try my best and I really enjoyed doing it but I'm struggling to commit with what's going on in my personal life and for last season, I'm going to start working hard to sort out the spreadsheets and the prizes and get it sorted, thanks to everyone who helped especially beltmann the recent times to making this happen, it will defintely return in the future maybe when someone else more capable has control or when I magically get the funds from a tree or something but right now, I don't think I can do it. Thanks for understanding guys, I know you got my back and I will always have yours.
New Drivers will start an dyansty
We're going to be made very powerful cars for the next couple of weeks.