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Pirmā Preses Konference ar Debik

Pirmā Preses Konference ar Debik

Ilgu laiku prasītais un nepieciešamais kontakts ar radītāju beidzot ir šeit.

Pirmā Preses Konference ar Debik

Tātad, kā daži no jums jau zina, Debik piekrita laiku pa laikam organizēt nelielu preses konferenci, lai atbildētu uz uzdotajiem jautājumiem un atbrīvotu jūsu bažas par spēli un kā izskatās spēles nākotne.

Tā kā mēs noslēdzām šo darījumu man uzreiz radās daži interesanti jautājumi, un Debik ar prieku uz visiem viņiem atbildēja.

Tātad šeit ir pirmie 8 jautājumi kurus, manuprāt, daudzi no jums vēlas izlasīt.

(Pati intervija ir Angļu valodā, jo uzskatu, ka tā būs pareizāk!)

1)When will the game Manual be updated?

Debik: I have to find a guy for this. My idea is that this person should go through the manual and after consulting with me should propose changes to be done there.

2)Why are MRC Moto1 bikes much worse in Top speed & Acceleration than the MRC factory bikes?

Debik: We tried to do Moto1 more balanced with less dependency on chassis selection and also make the lap time more realistic comparing to real MotoGP. Private motorbikes are not so much copying reality. We will reevaluate motogp performance after this season based on current real world MotoGP performances.

3)Sometimes your driver crashes even when using risk=1. For some, it can be very frustrating when it happens in very important race. Have you maybe given it a thought to make an adjustment?

Debik: We made a lot of tests when coding the game engine. Here are some statistics at Monte Carlo for 1000 laps made:

concentration=50 reactions=50 risk=100 crash=95x
concentration=50 reactions=50 risk=1 crash=7x
concentration=100 reactions=100 risk=100 crash=6x
concentration=100 reactions=100 risk=1 crash=1x

Remember that not all crashes in races are result of driver mistake. It can be during overtaking and thanks to other driver. Overtaking and defending aggressivity is not related to risky drive.

4)It is hard to predict the weather development during the race. Is it in plans for future to upgrade the weather prediction so we have more information on that development before the race?

Debik: Actually when I watch real F1 and commentary about possible rain coming I think our information is more than accurate :) Weather is predicted in 30 minutes interval but there is random factor in it of course. I think this is very realistic.

5)Live qualifications are very long and boring. Maybe we can let second driver to start his attempt just as the first one goes through the finnish line on his attempt?

Debik: Added to TO-DO. But I am not sure what the solution would be... I will think about it.

6)On F1 parts there are items "downforce" but you cant see it on the actual car so you cant compare cars. What does it do and why do we do not see it as unique car attribute?

Debik: Handling on a car is combination of handling from parts and downforce from parts. If you decrease downforce on parts obviously, acceleration, braking and handling are decreased too. So on cars you see adjusted handling by downforce which is not public parameter. Of course then comes weather factor, tyres factor and so on which can decrease downforce which results to worse handling, acceleration and braking...

7)Recently there are complaints that some managers create custom series while inviting just their own driver to instantly win trophies and try to set track records without competition.
It maybe is not against the rules but certainly not fair. Whats your opinion on this?

Debik: I think we already removed such series from trophy stats and everywhere it have some real effect.

8)There are 4 types of tyres for private cars but no information on their parameters. Can we get the info about it so we can choose the right type?

Debik: Information about tyres in series or private cars is not public. In general tyres are very similar, some have better durability, some give better downforce. This must be tested by managers, otherwise if those numbers are public, it would be only question of calculations to determine best tyres for each race.

So here you have it!

Es vēlos tikai uzsvērt, ka ikviens ir laipni aicināts uzrakstīt man PM ar savu jautājumu, lai varētu atbildēt uz jums interesējošo jautājumu, un mēs vairāk satuvināsim spēlētājus ar izstrādes komandu.

Es vēlos arī lūgt katras kopienas komandas locekli savākt, filtrēt un nodot man jautājumus jūsu nacionālajos forumos un pastkastēs.

Tas arī viss šobrīd, un es ceru redzēt manu pastkasti pārpildītu ar interesantiem jautājumiem ;).

by wandaL
Μεταφραστής: ArtisMAKANS
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