Sjaak de Vries stapt over naar Indy Junior Continental series
Na een matig seiezoen in de F2 heeft Sjaak de Vries samen met zijn management besloten de overstap te maken naar de Indy Junior Continental series.
Tijdens het zoeken naar een geschikt team werd al snel KTP Motorsports gevonden. KTP Motorsports is...
am 2013-02-12 08:11:51 von Pollie
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Bewertung: 3.57)
Második szezon vége
Lassan véget ér a 2. szezon itt a MyRacingCareer-en emiatt gondoltam úgy, hogy írok én is egy sajtóközleményt. Pilótám (Hetesi Endre) 2012. szeptember 8-án jött létre ebben a virtuális közegben, ez nagyjából 2 héttel a játék első szezonjának kezdete ...
am 2013-02-11 20:44:16 von hetesiendre
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 4.00)
new driver looking forward to challenge
As we are gearing up for a new season I caught up with Will Maccullen to get his thoughts on being the new guy
" Well its kinda daunting when I see all these drivers who have already accomplished so much but I feel I can learn fast and with a l...
am 2013-02-11 20:34:04 von willmac81
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 1.96)
北京时间2月11... 第二赛季世界... Liu后来居上夺... 由于在第一比... Liu意外冲出赛... Liu第十四位发... Liu也成功逆转...
am 2013-02-11 16:26:52 von lxfor123
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 3.13)
Ane the winner is....
MORESE!! Già, perchè Morese riesce a vincere il suo primo grande trofeo e si aggiudica la F2 North America Series.
Ma ricapitoliamo: ultima gara ad Austin, ottima qualifica che vede il pilota italiano in 2^ posizione dietro alla sola Poucette. Le c...
am 2013-02-11 12:05:52 von FAlonso
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 5.83)
Pronti, partenza via!
Alle porte della Stagione 3 la community italiana si riconferma la più compatta ed attiva. L'obiettivo è sempre quello: portare a casa più trofei possibili. La premesse sono di quelle buone e le ambizioni dei piloti le sostengono. Per un Torrenti pro...
am 2013-02-11 09:45:38 von Hakudoshi
Likes: 8
Bewertung: 9.90)
Slovaci po skonceni F2 World Series
Press Release
11.februar 2013
Slovaci po skonceni F2 World Series
Desiate podujatie vrcholnej F2 World Series priam symbolicky zavrsilo sezonu 10.februara!
V spickovo obsadenej serii jasne dominoval Rus Novikov, ktory vyhral (cuduj sa svete...
am 2013-02-11 09:37:28 von lukasm
Likes: 8
Bewertung: 11.17)
Looni Racing päättää kauden
Looni Racingin manageroima S. Loimusalo päättää kovan kauden kelvolliseen suoritukseen Interlagosin radalla, São Paulossa, Brasiliassa. Pisteitä tuli sen verran, että sarjataulukossa 10. tila pysyi hallussa, mutta kiri O. Rozenbergsiin ei riittänyt. ...
am 2013-02-10 23:37:11 von looni
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 2.24)
Interview with the best driver.
Michael Romanovich Novikov
Congratulation for winning the F2 world series, how do you feel?
Well, what I should say? I'm happy! Actually, when I started playing MRC, my main aim was to win the first season. And I was close, but I've made stupid...
am 2013-02-10 20:34:44 von deka96
Likes: 18
Bewertung: 22.06)
F2 Africa Series: Koniec mistrzowskiego sezonu!
Stanisław Bum w swoim ostatnim występie pokazał klasę! Ponownie musiał zmierzyć się z błędami innych zawodników. Ukrainiec Borisz Pietrovszki wjechał w Polaka, który w ten sposób spadł o kilka pozycji, a jego bolid uległ uszkodzeniom. Mistrz to jedna...
am 2013-02-10 19:52:20 von Wokinger
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.18)
F3 Europe Series S03
After a memorable season, the Europe Series of Formula 3 are finally over. The winner was undecided until the very last lap of the last race and deserves all the credit for it's final position. Congratulations Roch Rochowski Jr.!
After a 4 win str...
am 2013-02-10 17:57:32 von blazefp
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.47)
Dutch Pride, RE: op naar de indy car
Gefeliciteerd man, je houd de eer van Nederland hiermee zeer hoog!!!
am 2013-02-10 11:23:24 von vitaphone97
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 1.78)
Jones looks to new car for Season 3
Alan Jones, S1 Australian F3 champion announced today his excitement as he prepares for a new car in Season 3. Jones said after his limited campaign of S2, he is excited to get a Formula 2 car. While there is no certainty of acceptance, Jones is adam...
am 2013-02-10 02:51:52 von FlyingFinn
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Bewertung: 4.94)
Ei mene hyvin
Antti hietaisella ei mene hyvin.Antti taistelee lähinä sijoista 25-30 mutta on nähty muutakin.Antille on suunitteilla uusi parempi taktiikka jossa kulutetaan enemmän renkaita sekä mekaanisia osia.ja eilen Hietainen lähti ajo opistolle viideksi päiväk...
am 2013-02-09 18:44:04 von FaLeZ1229
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 4.19)
Xiaoxin Liu祝全球的华人华侨在新的一年里大吉大利,心想事成
今晚是中国的... Liu代表车队全...
am 2013-02-09 16:32:13 von lxfor123
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 1.78)