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Français Le top 10 pour Mousseman Les objectifs sont enfin à l'arrivée pour Dimitri Mousseman. Après avoir annoncé vouloir intégrer le top 10 de la BENELUX Séries en début de saison, il semble bien parti pour réaliser cet objectif. En effet, alors que la mi-saison approche, il est ac...
am 2014-01-19 10:39:06 von mousscross - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 0.57)
Српски Prvi Srbin u F1 Beograđanin Đorđe Simić, jedan od osnivača Serbia Off Road je prvi Srbin koji je seo u McLaren bolid Formule 1 i to onaj šampionski iz 2008. godine u kome je Luis Hamilton osvojio titulu. Zahvaljujući Johnnie Walker promociji došao je u priliku ...
am 2014-01-19 00:57:44 von FERNANDOf1ALONSO - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 0.33)
Română Am angajat... Eu am angajat o echipa de mecanici.Sper sa ma ajute sa se faca perfomante mai mari.
am 2014-01-18 21:22:15 von serafim869 - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 1.91)
Čeština Propaguj MyRacingCareer.com (s rozumem) Vážení přátelé, manažeři. Obracím se na Vás s takovou delikátní prosbou. Jde o propagaci my racing career. Za každého svého referala získáváte výhody a mince to je vše v pořádku. Jenom při získávání nových referalů prosím postupujte korektně a ...
am 2014-01-17 20:57:44 von deka96 - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 3.98)
Slovenčina Suchár nakoniec nie je suchár. Prajeme príjemný piatkový podvečer. Po mnohých neúspešných pokusoch sa nám konečne podarilo zastihnúť jazdca V. Suchára a chtiac nechtiac musel odpovedať na dotieravé otázky, keďže naša redaktorka mu vlastným telom zablokovala prístup do auta na pa...
am 2014-01-17 18:31:24 von vili73 - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 4.96)
English Starting to make my presence felt! Well, in only my first week as manager and driver, I would only expect a slow and steady start to my career on this site. It certainly started as expected, with numerous mid to low finishes (between 17th to 28th or there-abouts). But in only my 2...
am 2014-01-17 18:23:23 von F1FANjam91 - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 4.91)
Polski Nowy sezon. Nowe wyzwania. Wraz z nadejściem nowego sezonu Staszek Bum zmienił plany. W zeszłym sezonie startował w F2 Africa Series, Poland Cup oraz w pojedyńczych wyścigach klasy P1. Cele to były zwycięstwa w F2 Africa Series, Poland Cup oraz jak najlepsze miejsca w P1. P...
am 2014-01-14 22:35:21 von Wokinger - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 9.96)
English New Driver on the Block... begins by going Round and Round! Hello Everybody. I won't introduce myself, but I can tell you that out of all the motor-racing manager MMO's I have signed up to, this is possibly the most intriguing one of them all. You are a manager (like all the others), but your managing Driver...
am 2014-01-14 18:34:31 von F1FANjam91 - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 3.65)
Lietuvių Padekite Swx as cia naujokas gal kas galite padeti kaip reguliuoti automobili ir kokius igudzius geriau tobulinti aciu
am 2014-01-14 17:13:44 von Marrussia - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 0.00)
English British series wide open! Well the first 6 races of this series have seen 6 different winners which is making this one of the most open series yet. Personaly after winning the 2nd race of the first meeting things were looking really good but poor qualifying and no top ten fin...
am 2014-01-13 14:50:22 von PaulClark - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 2.97)
English Competition? Here it is!! It is not the highest level in MRC and you cannot find the World-Famous drivers there, but F3 World Series is certainly the highest competitive series in MRC. For every season, it is one of the series with the most drivers apply for. And unlike o...
am 2014-01-13 10:08:09 von vching - Likes: 9 | Bewertung: 12.14)
English British F3 - Six in Six Its proving to be one of the tightest championships in MRC history. The Formula 3 British Series has seen six different race winners from the first six races, and a significant contrast in fortunes for several drivers. Ben Solo won the opening rou...
am 2014-01-12 19:57:10 von Adamski - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 7.13)
Slovenčina INTERVIEW: Zatiaľ spokojnosť s výkonmi. GREATER NOIDA - Po istom čase sa Sergej vracia k lietaniu po svete. Hoci sa mu v F3 Československej sérii celkom darí, upriamil svoju pozornosť na voľnú sériu Copa Sudamericana, v niektorej z predošlých ročníkov tejto súťaže skončil celkovo štvrtý. &...
am 2014-01-11 20:11:12 von Formulak - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.24)
Slovenčina NEUVERITELNÉ!!!!! ... Je tomu naozaj ťažko uveriť, ale naša redakcia sa rozhodla vytvoriť ďalšiu súťaž. Vzhľadom k tomu, že účasť na nej by bola značne obmedzená, rozhodli sme sa zorganizovať ju na medzinárodnej úrovni. Ako odmenu pre víťaza pos...
am 2014-01-11 16:49:35 von vili73 - Likes: 0 | Bewertung: 0.00)
Italiano It's Nascar time! dum da dum dum... anche se quello era Hammer time...vabè che dire. una volta iscritto alla Nascar in questa 7a stagione, si sperava in un posto decoroso...ma di sicuro non il 2° posto in classifica. 9 gare concluse finora, ritmo indiavolato...
am 2014-01-11 08:46:49 von sandrez - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.85)
1 ... 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 ... 840