Merkel hits 100
What a day for German driver Angela Merkel. Having barely recovered from last nights party after beating Brazil in the Football World Cup 7:1 the German beat Acarini in the Moto GP Qualifying to win his 100th Pole. If that was not an awesome achievem...
am 2014-07-09 21:47:07 von Fixboy
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 5.80)
solo apertissimo?!
spero apertissimamente apertissimo :P
am 2014-07-09 12:46:10 von sandrez
Likes: 0
Bewertung: 0.00)
Vos: U.S. 10th series is one to watch
Nick Wheeler's comments about the state of racing in the USA have resonated through the racing world. The latest news is that, Wheeler, Brandon Knight and Drummond Bennet might all partake in the 10th USA series. Even in Portugal some people have tak...
am 2014-07-09 02:34:06 von Azureika
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 7.22)
British to Invade U.S. F3?
Nick Wheeler has caused quite a stir this week with his comments on the American Racing scene and in his latest press conference he named two British drivers as potential competitors in America next year. We sent MRC reporter Jimmy Allen out to talk...
am 2014-07-08 22:06:27 von Wresdan
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 6.69)
A fejlődés útján !!
Lehet a Vidák Józsi nem a győzelemért harcol ! De a pontokért nagyon nagy harcot vív teszteli a pályákat és rendre meg is nyeri azokat!
Igaz a verseny nem mindig úgy sikerül ahogy azt képzelik a menedzserrel de hiszik h a sok edzéseknek köszönhetően...
am 2014-07-08 18:59:02 von jozsif18
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 1.44)
ZachSpeed Racing zieht positives Fazit
In letzter Zeit ist es um das ZachSpeed Racing Team Ltd. sehr ruhig geworden. Das sollte man jedoch nicht als Zeichen der Schwäche deuten, weil das Team laut Einschätzung des Teamchefs so konzentriert und verbissen wie nie zuvor agiert. Die Rookiefeh...
am 2014-07-08 17:21:33 von USSFSteeler
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 6.82)
Wheeler Makes Emergency Conference Call with MRC Reporters
Early reports after yesterday's article outlining American Rookie Nick Wheeler's post-series press conference have USA teams fuming.
Wheeler and his PR Manager, Onterio Moulton held a conference call this morning with MRC reporters after news brok...
am 2014-07-08 16:28:40 von nwheel
Likes: 7
Bewertung: 9.29)
American Owner Fires Back!
The mood of at least one American team is stormy to say the least. I visited the Team owned by John Stone and driven by Ray Harroun today as they prepared for the Road America race in the next leg of the American Series. This team has struggled this ...
am 2014-07-08 14:02:03 von johnstone1371
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 6.90)
Haidi Siap Mengharumkan Nama Indonesia
Dubai, haidi pembalap asal indonesia berhasil menorehkan hasil kualifkasi yang sangat baik di rookie series yang berlangsung di sirkuit Dubai Autodrome, pembalap indonesia tersebut akan start dari row ke 3 atau lebih tepatnya pada grid ke 5 dari 30 p...
am 2014-07-08 12:55:54 von haidi94
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 1.77)
Nem sikerült!
Nem sikerült az első pontom, de azért sikerült egy 5 helyet előre jönni, és ez a z a tény ami boldoggá tesz.
Majd legközelebb meg lesz a pont
am 2014-07-07 19:17:35 von csegi
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 1.62)
Rookie Driver: USA is a Lazy Racing Nation
In a recent recap press conference, a reporter asked American rookie driver, Nick Wheeler, about his feelings on driving his way to #105 in the USA after just 2 and a half weeks in MRC. His response was surprising.
"I see nothing to celebrate...
am 2014-07-07 17:59:48 von nwheel
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 4.45)
Rijder Update van Gert van de Garde
OP 01-06-2014 werd hij de nieuwe coureur van Gertes
we zijn nu 1 maand verder,waar in hij al een eerste en tweede plaats heeft veroverd en maakt redelijke stappen in de Coureurs ranking wereld en nationale competitie.
01-06-2014 begin ranglijst was...
am 2014-07-07 16:15:29 von gertes2020
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 3.48)
Peters dominant at Piestany airport - again!
Brisbane-based racer Steve Peters spent this afternoon relaxing in a Piestany cafe with an ice-cold Zlaty Bazant, reflecting on a second successful weekend of racing at the Piestany airfield as part of the F3 Slovak Series. In the two visits the ser...
am 2014-07-07 12:34:58 von RintoHolden
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 4.42)
F1 sezona norit pilnā sparā.
No sezonas aizvedītas jau divpadsmit sacīkstes.Ir iezīmējušies topošie līderi un vadošās komandas.
Sezona ir tikai nedauz pāri pusei un kopvērtējums var krasi mainīties.
Beidzoties divpadsmit posmies galvas tiesu dominē Odissea Martini Racing ko...
am 2014-07-07 12:09:55 von lapzeme
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 2.22)
[F1] - OMR conferma i piloti per la prossima stagione
Dopo la quinta splendida doppietta stagionale ottenuta in quel di Spa, OMR è orgogliosa di annunciare il prolungamento del contratto con i due piloti attualmente al vertice della classifica del mondiale di Formula 1.
Andre Acarini ed Alex Botta ha...
am 2014-07-07 08:43:16 von McPeppolo
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.50)