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Português WAR FOREVER NEWS A WAR vai bem neste começo de campeonato onde vai na 7 posição com o piloto Di Rado em 6 do campeonato com 10 pontos.WAR FOREVER!Se ainda não forem fãs da WAR passem a ser e vão ao forum da equipa em winsdorfansproboards.com
am 2014-06-04 23:13:40 von Rafarato - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.75)
Italiano F1 - G.P.BAHRAIN - PRIMA FILA ANCORA TUTTA ITALIANA A SAKHIR SAKHIR (BAHRAIN) - E' ancora una volta tutta italiana la prima fila del G.P.Bahrain in programma domani sul circuito di Sakhir. Il capofila del mondiale, Andre Acarini, centra in fatti la terza pole-position consecutiva precedendo il compagno di suqa...
am 2014-06-04 21:54:50 von paolo1970 - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 7.96)
English Chasing a Dream Part 1 Yesterday, Brett Bennett, a rookie driver, made his professional debut in qualifying for the opener of the Rookie Series at Jerez a strong 8th place run gave him a good starting position. For Bennett this is the fulfillment of a lifelong dream to be...
am 2014-06-04 06:09:53 von blackgold4 - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 5.99)
Slovenčina Tatar je plný odhodlania Jedným s nováčikov v peotóne formulových jazcov v tejto sezóne je aj 18-ročný talent Marián Tatar , ktorý začína v nováčiovskej sérii, konkrétne na Hockeneimringu. Pred je ho kvalifikačnou premierou nám povedal "Nemám veľké oči ,ale napriek tomu...
am 2014-06-04 00:41:54 von jozi01 - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.20)
English My Racing Career FIFA World Cup Fantasy League As you all know about the big event coming through in a week, i thought lets make a game out of it. I will be in charge of making sure this World Cup Fantasy season goes as smoothly as possible for everyone that wishes to participate in this (health...
am 2014-06-03 21:47:30 von Dhawan - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 3.90)
Suomi Manageri ja kuski luottavaisia Kolmatta kauttaan ajavan suomalaiskuskin Jimi Saikkosen alkukausi ei alkanut kaikkein ruusuisimmalla tavalla. Hän ehti ajaa 11 kisaa joista kaikista tuloksena oli luokituksen laskemista, kunnes ilmaisen sarjan kilpailussa positiivisen luokituksen til...
am 2014-06-03 12:33:06 von FinnishGuy - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 7.77)
English Overview: F1 Cars before Bahrain GP After first two Grand Prix Races of the season, teams have had few days to spend with their cars. About half of the teams have made some enhancements to their cars. Especially Jordan and Windsor have done significant improvements part-wise, former cl...
am 2014-06-03 09:28:48 von OlioLento - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 7.79)
Dansk Formula 2 Worlds series. Vi er i Søltoft Racing glade for at kunne annoncere at vi har fået indsat en ung kører ved navn Jon Andersen i Formula 2 World Series. Han har efter de første to løb klaret sig rigtig flot, taget i betragtning at det kun er hans anden sæson. Og vi li...
am 2014-06-02 18:53:19 von EdenHazard - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 0.33)
English Firts week in F1 - Jordan GP 28th May came to MRC history, F1 was started. 1) Australian GP Our team did not finish car development, so we didn´t expected much, but experience. In Q our driver finished 8th (Libor Charvec) and 13th (Jarin Kaderabek), so we were pleased. Bigg...
am 2014-06-02 13:51:05 von FBednar - Likes: 14 | Bewertung: 21.94)
Polski Formuła 1: Raport pierwszego tygodnia Pierwszy tydzień zmagań w najwazniejszej serii wyścigowej już za nami. Formuła 1 jest dokładnie taka jaką wszyscy się spodziewali: zatrudnieni zostali najlepsi kierowcy, pojawiają sie kontrowersje, zespoły zmagają się z budżetami, pojawił się jeden z...
am 2014-06-02 12:15:50 von Wokinger - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.24)
English Team Battles - Maleysian GP Everybody know that the most important opponent to beat is your teammate. Teammate has the same car and he is a good reference. And this is how team battles after #2 GP looks like: Scuderia Ferrari QUALIFYING: Dominik Dan 1:1 Vifgas Macanga...
am 2014-06-02 11:49:23 von Wokinger - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 11.48)
English Team Europe F1 - Malaysia Congratulations to Acarini and OMR on their second straight victories. Not such a good result in the second race for the Team Europe boys. Pootoki was hit twice in the first two laps, the second collision, with Adler from the Trabant team, put our d...
am 2014-06-02 11:00:19 von thedonz - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.50)
English Clark on fire!!!!!!!!!! First 2 races of the british series and Clark manages an easy 2 wins this is wot we have been waiting for from this exciting driver and fingers crossed the rest of the season will be just as succesfull
am 2014-06-02 02:27:02 von PaulClark - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.81)
Italiano F1- G.P.MALESIA - TRIONFO ITALIANO A SEPANG SEPANG (MALESIA) - E' sempre più colorato di azzurro il mondiale di Formula 1 MRC, con l'Odissea Martini Racing che al momento sembra fare gara a sè e con Andre Acarini che, bissando il successo in terra australiana, centra la seconda vittoria consec...
am 2014-06-01 23:28:27 von paolo1970 - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 7.06)
Slovenčina Jazdec sezóny č.8 výsledky Výsledky ankety Jazdec sezóny č.8 Po krátkom hlasovaní už poznáme výťazov vo svojich kategóriách. Tentoraz to bolo napínavé, prekvapivé a máme dokonca dvoch výťazov. Jazdec sezóny č.8 SR : D.Dán Jazdec sezóny č.8 ČR : J.Šmarda Jazdec sezóny č.8 ...
am 2014-06-01 23:12:40 von deka96 - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.87)
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