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English Cecil Engneering Driver Matt Cecil to debut in V8 Supercars Cecil Engineering will run season 17 in the V8 Supercars with a rising talent in Matt Cecil. The team made the decision late last month to bring him up from F3 to race a Ford Falcon FG. While the team and Cecil know it will be a big challenge to buil...
am 2016-01-31 03:14:08 von mceci1 - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.12)
Français Soirée de Gala chez Vaillante F1 Pour la présentation de la nouvelle voiture et de ses pilotes, le Team Red Bull Vaillante F1 a organisé une soirée de Gala avec tous ses pilotes. Notre Sherlock Holmes, Lionel Froussard a interviewé tout ce beau monde. L.F : Ödön, je suis très heu...
am 2016-01-30 23:45:36 von Promocourse - Likes: 11 | Bewertung: 19.52)
Polski Podsumowanie minionego sezonu i plany na kolejny sezon Pawła Gizy Miniony sezon Swój trzeci sezon w karierze Paweł Giza spędził na torach Europy południowej w F3 Mediterranean Series. Sezon rozpoczął od startu na ulicach Marakeszu, gdzie w kwalifikacjach zajął solidne 10 miejsce, w pierwszym wyścigu pojawiło się ...
am 2016-01-30 19:54:42 von mpluta2 - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 9.35)
English Q/A with Wilsean Dahir: First Full Season Complete, Goals for S17 Rebecca Southworth travels to Cardiff, Wales to catch up with Wilsean Dahir and his preparations for next season. Q: So Wilsean, what happened at Brands Hatch, no top 10 finish in any session, was it shocking for you? W: Not really a shock but di...
am 2016-01-30 19:08:03 von ThatFPM8Guy - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 10.75)
English Damian Polwicz = F3 Czechoslovakian Series (17) 1.Katerina Pospisilova 2,183.000 2.Miroslav Nejedly 1,132.337 3.Georg Cernecky 1,121.892 4.Pawel Giza 621.740 5.Lewis Wright 558.346 6.Jofo Bielik 410.557 7.Takacs Bence 380.041 8.Majanos Krouzelanos ...
am 2016-01-30 18:21:42 von DamianPoland - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 3.78)
English International Single Race Cup (ISRC) - Final standings + joining to the next season 1st - Paolo Gil Villanova - 15 coins 2nd - Richard Nebesky jr. - 10 coins 3rd - Valtteri Sinisalo - 5 coins Congratulations to winners! Next season i make this cup again, so everyone who wants to join write me or write on Worldwide foru...
am 2016-01-30 18:10:21 von olilongi777 - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 13.88)
English Season 16 a Great Year for Staci Evans Staci Evans in her 5th season found victory lane ten times. This is her best year ever to date. She took a big jump into the highest series she hopes to race in, her beloved American NASC Gold Cup Series. She was way out classed by other drivers a...
am 2016-01-30 17:13:06 von LoyalW - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.58)
Polski Koniec sezonu 16 Mieczysław Gnojarzowski kończy kolejny sezon w swojej karierze. Tym razem podjął wyzwanie jakim jest seria Indy. Po wielu udanych startach ostatni wyścig miał wszystko rozstrzygnąć. Trzech kierowców miało szansę na najwyższe podium. Niestety, Mie...
am 2016-01-30 16:24:52 von Kozimierz - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.56)
English James D'Angelo to Take Show On The Road American Formula 3 Driver Jamea D'Angelo will be taking his talents to Poland to compete in the 36th edition of the Poland Cup. Mr. D'Angelo will be assembling a full crew for the 1st time in his career. "The time for play is over,"...
am 2016-01-30 14:24:59 von JamesDAngelo - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.17)
English Red Bull unveils its official livery for season 17 The French Formula 1 team has unveiled its official livery for season 17 and the official helmets of its two pilots.
am 2016-01-30 11:36:10 von JordanF1 - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 8.74)
Français Red Bull Racing Vaillante F1 dévoile sa livrée officielle pour la saison 17 L'équipe française de Formule 1 vient de dévoiler sa livrée officielle pour la saison 17 ainsi que les casques officiels de ses deux pilotes.
am 2016-01-30 11:33:42 von JordanF1 - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 14.25)
Čeština Sezóna 16 ve zpětném zrcátku V první řadě je potřeba poděkovat celému týmu za dobře odvedenou práci. V uplynulé sezoně se náš realizační tým opět trochu rozrostl a na výkonech na trati i mimo ni je to znát. Samozřejmě je potřeba poděkovat fanouškům za jejich přízeň, protože bez ...
am 2016-01-30 11:32:20 von Forza88 - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 9.21)
English FORMULA 3 STAR ON THE RISE Young Formula 3 Star Andy Moffat has had a steady rise in his race finishes with 2 wins, a 2nd, 3 3rds, and a 5th after his mediocre start of his career. The Acell Electronics Sponsored Australian says the he is reasonably happy with his finishes so ...
am 2016-01-30 01:02:43 von TrevWatson - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 4.65)
Suomi Ensimmäinen ja viimeinen F1-sarjaa tuli jo hieman seurattua pikkupoikana Suomen ko- vimman F1-buumin aikana, kun Mika Häkkinen kamppaili Ferrareita vastaan ja saavutti mestaruutensa. Säännöllinen seuraaminen kuitenkin alkoi vasta, kun Kimi Räikkösen sopimus Ferrarille ...
am 2016-01-29 21:58:04 von Gorilla - Likes: 11 | Bewertung: 18.10)
English Confidence hit hard Kyle Thomas has had a disaster over his last 5 races only finishing once and that was well down the field in the low 20's. His confidence has taken a severe hit and he is hoping that his fortunes improve over the next few races. Does he need a more r...
am 2016-01-29 21:19:38 von paulb67 - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.47)
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