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English International Single Race Cup (ISRC) - Final standings + joining to the next season 1st - Paolo Gil Villanova - 15 coins 2nd - Richard Nebesky jr. - 10 coins 3rd - Valtteri Sinisalo - 5 coins Congratulations to winners! Next season i make this cup again, so everyone who wants to join write me or write on Worldwide foru...
am 2016-01-30 18:10:21 von olilongi777 - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 13.88)
English Season 16 a Great Year for Staci Evans Staci Evans in her 5th season found victory lane ten times. This is her best year ever to date. She took a big jump into the highest series she hopes to race in, her beloved American NASC Gold Cup Series. She was way out classed by other drivers a...
am 2016-01-30 17:13:06 von LoyalW - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.58)
Polski Koniec sezonu 16 Mieczysław Gnojarzowski kończy kolejny sezon w swojej karierze. Tym razem podjął wyzwanie jakim jest seria Indy. Po wielu udanych startach ostatni wyścig miał wszystko rozstrzygnąć. Trzech kierowców miało szansę na najwyższe podium. Niestety, Mie...
am 2016-01-30 16:24:52 von Kozimierz - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.56)
English James D'Angelo to Take Show On The Road American Formula 3 Driver Jamea D'Angelo will be taking his talents to Poland to compete in the 36th edition of the Poland Cup. Mr. D'Angelo will be assembling a full crew for the 1st time in his career. "The time for play is over,"...
am 2016-01-30 14:24:59 von JamesDAngelo - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.17)
English Red Bull unveils its official livery for season 17 The French Formula 1 team has unveiled its official livery for season 17 and the official helmets of its two pilots.
am 2016-01-30 11:36:10 von JordanF1 - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 8.74)
Français Red Bull Racing Vaillante F1 dévoile sa livrée officielle pour la saison 17 L'équipe française de Formule 1 vient de dévoiler sa livrée officielle pour la saison 17 ainsi que les casques officiels de ses deux pilotes.
am 2016-01-30 11:33:42 von JordanF1 - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 14.25)
Čeština Sezóna 16 ve zpětném zrcátku V první řadě je potřeba poděkovat celému týmu za dobře odvedenou práci. V uplynulé sezoně se náš realizační tým opět trochu rozrostl a na výkonech na trati i mimo ni je to znát. Samozřejmě je potřeba poděkovat fanouškům za jejich přízeň, protože bez ...
am 2016-01-30 11:32:20 von Forza88 - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 9.21)
English FORMULA 3 STAR ON THE RISE Young Formula 3 Star Andy Moffat has had a steady rise in his race finishes with 2 wins, a 2nd, 3 3rds, and a 5th after his mediocre start of his career. The Acell Electronics Sponsored Australian says the he is reasonably happy with his finishes so ...
am 2016-01-30 01:02:43 von TrevWatson - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 4.65)
Suomi Ensimmäinen ja viimeinen F1-sarjaa tuli jo hieman seurattua pikkupoikana Suomen ko- vimman F1-buumin aikana, kun Mika Häkkinen kamppaili Ferrareita vastaan ja saavutti mestaruutensa. S... seuraaminen kuitenkin alkoi vasta, kun Kimi Räikkösen sopimus Ferrarille julkaist...
am 2016-01-29 21:58:04 von Gorilla - Likes: 11 | Bewertung: 18.10)
English Confidence hit hard Kyle Thomas has had a disaster over his last 5 races only finishing once and that was well down the field in the low 20's. His confidence has taken a severe hit and he is hoping that his fortunes improve over the next few races. Does he need a more r...
am 2016-01-29 21:19:38 von paulb67 - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.47)
Italiano Resoconto delle Rookie Series e interviste ai protagonisti Siamo giunti al termine della stagione e, con esso, tutti i campionati sono giunti al termine. Vediamo insieme come è finita la stagione, con particolare occhio di riguardo per le Rookie Series, il campionato in cui tutte le migliori giovane promesse...
am 2016-01-29 17:56:54 von PifferaioMagico - Likes: 12 | Bewertung: 16.89)
Română Multa bafta in noul sezon! Succes la toti in sezonul care va incepe! Eu m-am bagat inapoi in NASCAR. Sper sa fie ok si sa fac cat mai multe puncte! Am avut un sezon aiurea, nici timp nu prea a fost si in Indy e aiurea rau si curse putine. In Nascar sunt multe! Bafta!
am 2016-01-29 17:30:58 von DoRuF1 - Likes: 0 | Bewertung: 0.00)
Română Ogier castiga Raliul Monte-Carlo pentru al treilea an consecutiv La volanul unui Volkswagen Polo R WRC si avandu-l in drepta sa pe Julien Ingrassia, Sebastien Ogier a castigat prima etapa a Campionatului Mondial de Raliuri, gazduita de Monte-Carlo. Este pentru a treia oara la rand cand triplul campion mondial fran...
am 2016-01-29 17:10:19 von DoRuF1 - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.82)
Română Peterhansel a câștigat Raliul Dakar la clasa auto! Cum arată podiumul Francezul Stephane Peterhansel (Peugeot) a câştigat Raliul Dakar 2016 la clasa auto, al 6-lea său succes pe 4 roţi, care egalează performanţa sa de la clasa moto, după disputarea etapei a 13-a, ultima, Villa Carlos Paz - Rosario, lungă de 699 km, din...
am 2016-01-29 17:06:10 von DoRuF1 - Likes: 0 | Bewertung: 0.00)
Română Doi ani de la accident. Familia Schumacher, între cheltuieli imense și critici Starea lui Michael Schumacher rămâne în continuare una gravă, la doi ani distanță de la accidentul de schi în urma căruia a fost plasat în comă. De atunci, este într-o continuă recuperare, dar progresele sunt extrem de mici, în ciuda cheltuielilor im...
am 2016-01-29 17:03:14 von DoRuF1 - Likes: 0 | Bewertung: 0.00)
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