S18 Hrvati u Kupu Naroda nakon 6 tjedna
24. Australija AUS 223
25. Slovenija SMA 217
26. Švedska SMF 177
27. Hrvatska CROMA 141
28. Ukrajina NMAUkr 54
am 2016-06-01 12:46:19 von daniel00cro
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.33)
S18/T6: Mejak in Zupančič na stopničkah
Indy Junior International:
Dare Klun odstop, v seštevku padel na 6. mesto.
World Touring Car Series (WTCS):
Anže Ožbolt 8. in 15. mesto, v seštevku padel na 8. mesto.
Formula 2 World:
Tine Dedič 18. in 17. mesto, v seštevku brez točk....
am 2016-06-01 10:16:23 von Darac
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 1.73)
Copa Brasil F3 - Pequenos Detalhes
Estou fazendo um TESTE para publicar estatisticas da Copa Brssil F3, QUEM PUDER E QUISER ME ENSINE TABELAR O TEXTO, porque eu não consegui.
am 2016-06-01 09:46:28 von LucianoSilva
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 7.58)
Let's fill the grid!!!
After skipping the 2nd USRA private series to focus on his F1 debut, the Batman is back.
Thanks for the nod on 4k, Bradley! After topping out at 3,970 in Season 17, I thought his quest was on hold when I moved him up to F1. When he hit 3,994 in ...
am 2016-05-31 22:37:56 von Lee1950
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 10.17)
6. Utrka III Prvenstva Balkana - Šević bježi već 102 boda
Staza Castle Combe Circuit – Engleska , nakon kvalifikacija u kojima je učestvovalo 19 naših vozača , poredak na gridu je bio sljedeći
1. Red – Šević – Klun
2. Red – Ožbolt – Radisavljević
3. Red – bez naših vozača
4. Red - ??? – Trputec
5. Red...
am 2016-05-31 22:23:21 von dborion
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.72)
F3 Long Cup U-19 - Il Trio
La serie privata F3 Long Cup U-19 creata da sergkoma è terminata ed per decidere le posizioni principali si è dovuto attendere l'ultima bandiera a scacchi,sventolata sul tracciato di Chaika in Ucraina.
La competizione ha visto i piloti sfidarsi in d...
am 2016-05-31 19:55:23 von CarmineLuce
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 8.62)
M.Vanderpuije repeats in Canadian Championship Cup
So ends the second annual C3 series, Maximus Vanderpuije continues his reign as top driver in this country. Undoubtedly the favorite to win, as he is the only Canadian in the F1 series but there is are several groups fighting tooth and nail for posi...
am 2016-05-31 17:03:27 von ChrisMorris
Likes: 11
Bewertung: 18.37)
RE: dal Presidente
Vi aspetto nella serie F1 per gli U18
am 2016-05-31 11:08:57 von KrovatarGERO
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 0.57)
Brasileiros classificados para o Sul-Americano
Com o final do IV Campeonato Brasileiro, conhecemos os 20 classificados para o I Campeonato Sul-Americano que contará com os melhores pilotos do continente.
A equipe Connaught foi a única a classificar seus 3 pilotos para a competição continental....
am 2016-05-30 20:25:06 von jeansapia
Likes: 13
Bewertung: 17.42)
Alessio "Campione" e Guglielmo "PappaLardo" Stupiscono Tutti a soli 18 anni!!
All'inizio ci sono state molte difficoltà per il pilota Alessio Campione che ha avuto molti ostacoli per capire bene come funzionassero le regole di questo campionato ma adesso il pilota sembra maturato tantissimo facendo molti podi e primi posti a s...
am 2016-05-30 17:08:12 von AlessioCampione
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 6.26)
Rossdale deputy van Nederland
Sinds deze week zal ik als deputy van ons land uitkomen. Dat houdt in dat ik in feite het eerste aanspreekpunt ben bij problemen en direct contact met de leiders van de game onderhoudt.
Daarnaast zal ik het forum modereren, dus braaf zijn allemaal...
am 2016-05-30 16:32:45 von Rossdale
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 3.43)
Top 100 van de wereld
Levi behaalt wederom een van zijn doelstellingen en behaalt als eerste Nederlander de top 100!
Hoewel plaats 98 een prachtige prestatie is, zijn de pijlen direct gericht op de volgende stap. Na constante klasseringen in de top 10 t...
am 2016-05-30 16:19:48 von Rossdale
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 1.78)
1a Semifinale per la Scelta del Logo del Team Nazionale ~Scuderia Italia~
Qui potete trovare i primi 4 Loghi in competizione.
Pas... alle Finali i primi due classificati, più il ripescaggio del più votato (tra gli esclusi) tra le due semifinali.
Ecco i primi contendenti:
VOTO 1 (Calu11)
link logo:
am 2016-05-30 09:17:40 von KrovatarGERO
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.87)
DACH-Meisterschaft neu aufgefrischt
Nachdem im April irgendwie der Veranstalter abhanden gekommen war wurden die Ergebnisse der letzten Rennen noch mal nachgetragen und wie zu vernehmen war soll das Ganze nun auf mehrere Schultern verteilt werden. Gesucht werden daher noch 2 Mitstreite...
am 2016-05-30 08:33:03 von MarioGraul
Likes: 11
Bewertung: 18.28)
Attention US Drivers
USRA National Championship is on I selected the top 30-40 drivers in current points then started picking the drivers I see the most online. If any one did not get an invite please give me a day to make sure the top drivers get in then I will start o...
am 2016-05-30 03:47:10 von BradleyBundy
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 10.16)
Beste Pressemitteilungen
Leonard Ellison Retires at 21, Shifts Focus to Social Media Stardom After Unsuccessful Racing Career