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Slovenščina Težavna serija NASCAR? Kot je mnogim znano, Klun v tej sezoni dirka v seriji Nascar. Serija je sicer zanimiva, dirka je vsak drugi dan (vsak drugi pa kvalifikacije), kar pomeni kar 36 dirk do konca sezone. 10 setov gum tudi zagotavlja brezskrbno uporabo materiala, kjer ...
am 2016-10-07 13:43:17 von Darac - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.84)
English Wow indeed as F1 seems to have a competitive field. You have to ask yourself after Spain.. Does this mean Redbull has lost it's edge? Is their Team overrated in their current drivers.. Yes no and maybe.. I believe that this probably just an Indication How much Better Germain was Vs the competi...
am 2016-10-07 09:55:05 von TerryWilson - Likes: 7 | Bewertung: 11.59)
English Shock at Spain as Maurer takes first win for Sempre Senna Franciszek Maurer won his first grand prix after just five races in F1. This was also Sempre Senna's first F1 win after 12 seasons in the series. Kalinin was another surprise as he finished second in the BMW. 2-time world champion Grosjean Jr complet...
am 2016-10-06 21:37:33 von PanagiotisMazarakis - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 13.38)
Italiano Da carmine Buona fortuna!!! Vediamo dove ti posizioni a fine stagione,per il momento sei sesto ma la quinta posizione non è un obbiettivo impossibile.
am 2016-10-06 20:27:56 von CarmineLuce - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.31)
Español piloto busca monedas Juan Carlos Alonso Méndez es un piloto español en plena progresión, pero ya con 30 años, busca abrir puertas y para ello solicita la invitación para disputar una serie privada con premios finales en coins.
am 2016-10-06 18:19:21 von JuankiAlonsoMendez - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.60)
Deutsch Solider Start in die Indy Junior Saison Nach dem Wechsel von der Formel 3 in die amerikanische Indy Junior-Serie konnte Michael Memmler Jr. bereits erste ordentliche Ergebnisse einfahren. "Wir sind im Quali oft nah an den Top 5 dran, im Rennen fehlt uns noch etwas der Speed", so ...
am 2016-10-06 14:27:14 von Blitzschwoab - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.85)
Hrvatski Brvenstvo Balkana , poluvrijeme Evo i druge obavjesti sa 5. Prvenstva Balkana , pola prvenstva je prošlo , u top 10 je došlo do nekih izmjena naime od zadnjeg izvještaja poslije 4. Utrke , vozaći Prosenik i Kolar su izgubili svoja mjesta u Top 10 a vozaći Novak i novodošli rumunjs...
am 2016-10-05 20:40:11 von dborion - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 8.36)
Português, Brasil Andando em círculos O piloto brasileiro Roger Relâmpago obteve aprovação da sua inscrição para a mais nova edição (LXXVI) do Campeonato Mundial de Ovais. Enfrentando pilotos do calibre do norteamericano Bruce Wayne, do russo Shvedko, do finlandês Sinisalo e do inglês...
am 2016-10-05 15:34:39 von Rogerius - Likes: 13 | Bewertung: 20.56)
English U18 International Challenge Cup; It's Back!! After such a successful first running of the U18 International Challenge Cup and much requested; It's back!! Again I will rephrase what I stated last time; U18 International Challenge Cup has been created for the U18 drivers to get to know each...
am 2016-10-05 08:01:36 von Canada_Red - Likes: 7 | Bewertung: 10.44)
Italiano European Capital Trophy U21 Si è da poco concluso il campionato U21 svoltosi su 4 Grandi città Europee. Praga(CZE)... piloti più accreditati della serie erano F.Vasiliev(RUS),J. H. Bonham(ITA), A.PAsquali(ITA),S.Ko... e E.Marshal(NZL). Alcuni di loro hanno rispettato le quotaz...
am 2016-10-04 21:57:55 von CarmineLuce - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 10.89)
Slovenčina Homola - Mladá nádej Slovenska? Activity Challenge - Sauber 2016, to bol cieľ mladého Patrika Homolu a taktiež aj možnosť ukázať sa, že má talent. Preteky prebiehali pod mohutnou spŕškou dažďových kvapiek na brazílskom okruhu aj napriek tomu, že kvalifikácia bola celkovo suchá. Jeh...
am 2016-10-04 10:19:22 von AdamPilo - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 12.71)
Čeština Výsledky poháru národů s20/2 Přemýšlel jsem, že vám to sem prsknu už okolo půlnoci ale nakonec jsem si řekl, že bude lepší se na to dvanáct hodin vyspat a pak teprve začít otvírat kušnu :)). Pravdou je, že máme za sebou další celkem úspěšný týden ale popořadě. Kvali... Nebesk...
am 2016-10-03 12:49:10 von wandaL - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 10.72)
English NASCAR GOLD CUP JR (MUSCLE) pt2 Texas Motor Sports is Proud to announce Nascar Gold Cup Jr part2 Muscles Cars.. While we did not fill the field we need manage to exceed the average Muscle Car participation rate.. To further encourage The New would be Dale Earnharts and Mark martin...
am 2016-10-03 11:58:32 von TerryWilson - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.34)
English INDY F3 Series Jr part 2 Texas Motorsports is proud to announce the signups have started for Indy Jr F3 part 2.. We decided to wave the entrance fee and even donating 40 coins to the top 3.. We thought more would be interested in this series but will run this mirror series t...
am 2016-10-03 11:50:56 von TerryWilson - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.49)
Slovenščina Mercedes AMG F1 Pozdravljeni, v Mercedes AMG F1 ekipi je bilo zadnja 2 tedna razburljivo. Delnice so se prodajale naokrog, bilo je nekaj poskusov prevzema in na koncu se je končalo tako, da je Darac postal največji delničar ekipe . Delnice so se kar enakomerno p...
am 2016-10-03 09:13:36 von RobertGrager - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.52)
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