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English Game feels like it missing something I remember back in beta that we discussed this and it was shot down quickly stating that we would have our hands full with a single driver and wouldn't have time for teams or second drivers. I left the game and have return since beta testing was comp...
am 2017-05-30 04:52:21 von Canada_Red - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 9.45)
English I agree and roll on some facts and history about it I played the game since 2014, at the time, there were gangs like RAGE who were notorious at the time with managers Lee, Donz and Wresdan, they became an F1 team now partnering with Ford Motorsport who currently field Bruce Wayne who was there since t...
am 2017-05-30 01:09:04 von ThatFPM8Guy - Likes: 7 | Bewertung: 12.89)
English Team Owners a Good idea or a Bad one! While being a long term player I am definitely for this.. But first let discuss the negatives.. The biggest possible negative it allows the possibility of few managers/owners to drive in F1.. There already murmurs of this on certain F1 teams alr...
am 2017-05-30 00:18:37 von TerryWilson - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 7.20)
Čeština Pohár národů S23 3.týden Třetí týden hrál až na jednu výjimku v náš prospěch a díky tomu jsme se posunuli krásně vpřed. :-) kvalifikace:: 14. J.Kaderabek Jr. - dobrý výsledek, absolutně našlapané pole. 2. R.Wolf - První dvě místa bývalých kolegů u Jordanu :-) Těším se n...
am 2017-05-29 23:41:41 von Ludwei - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.75)
English Manager or Team owner ??? mmmm Theres been talk lately about empty seats in all catagories across the board resulting in upsetting ratting points etc . SIMPLE i say . Let us or those of us thatd like to be more than mere managers step it up and be a 2 car operation thus known as a...
am 2017-05-29 21:06:33 von 0071977 - Likes: 14 | Bewertung: 23.21)
Hrvatski Javna Isprika Kao predsjednik HMS-a dugujem javnu ispriku nasem mladom vozacu Deniju Trputcu isto tako i njegovom menadzeru AgramGPu sto nije bio pozvan na prvu utrku prvenstva Kupa naroda. Naime doslo je do greske u administraciji radi neiskustva nove osobne ...
am 2017-05-29 16:46:43 von inferno - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 5.14)
Italiano F2 - North America Serie Dopo aver recuperato qualche posizione in gara1 riesco a fare una strepitosa rimonta in gara2 conquistando ilsecondo podio stagionale!! Parto 7° con una strategia più aggressiva, riesco a portarmi al comando dopo pochi giri e a prendere un discreto ...
am 2017-05-29 15:31:54 von CarmineLuce - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 7.92)
English i need friends hi i am looking for friends on here i am new to this well not to new but still have not got the first friend
am 2017-05-28 05:21:20 von rhgcowboy - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 3.63)
English Rookie Robinson Rocks Racing World MyRacingCareer.com driver Frank Robinson, who is also owner and manager of Robinson/Skorpil Racing, is making his mark as a rookie driver in rookie races all over the world and in the Flipers Cup XXX custom series. Robinson of Gulf Shores,Alabama in ...
am 2017-05-28 00:07:58 von FrankRobinson - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.22)
Suomi Ritari Ässän kuulumiset pallon toiselta puolelta V8 Supercars -sarjaa on ajettu nyt 10 kilpailua ja Ritari on sijoittuneena tutuksi tulleella 6:lla sijalla. Kauden alkuun on mahtunut rutkasti pettymyksiä mutta viimeaikoina Ritari on nähty myös palkintokorokkeella kahdesti ja onhan tämä onnistunut m...
am 2017-05-27 12:52:09 von Petu_ - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.67)
Indonesia BANGIKTNYA PEMBALAP INDONESIA ( President IMI ) Bagi Kalian Para Pembalap Di Luar Sana Sebentar Lagi Kami Para Pembalap Indonesia Akan Bangkit Dan Akan Menunjukan Kepada Kalian Semua Siapa Pembalap Nomor Satu Yang Sesungguhnya,Kami Akan Kibarkan Merah Putih Di Setiap Sirkuit Yang Kami Akan Singgah...
am 2017-05-26 09:12:19 von GustinOK - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 1.75)
Português, Brasil [Brasileirão] Classificação após Canberra (AUS) Pilotos: 1º | 24 | Bruno Corrêa 2º | 22 | Vicente Reckziegel 3º | 11 | Tony Hoffmann 4º | 09 | José Carlos Pace 5º | 05 | Francis Nars 6º | 05 | Roger Relampago 7º | 01 | Caio Pinto da Rocha 8º | 01 | Gideon Rosa Construtores... | 24 | S...
am 2017-05-25 21:18:43 von Rogerius - Likes: 8 | Bewertung: 12.65)
Indonesia pembalap baru akan muncul indonesia telah melahirkan pembalap junior yang akn menjadi pembalap senior di masa yang akan datang dia adalah Iqbal Zahid Abdullah Haris
am 2017-05-25 08:54:23 von iqbalzahid - Likes: 0 | Bewertung: 0.00)
Português, Brasil [Superbike] Classificação Realizadas duas etapas do Amigos Runners Motorbikes IV (Superbike Brasil), temos a seguinte classificação: 1º | 48 | Roger Relâmpago (1V, 1PP, 1VRM) 2º | 44 | Bruno Monteiro (1V, 1PP, 1VRM) 3º | 32 | Luiz Thomazini 4º | 21 | Rafael Drummond 5º...
am 2017-05-24 14:14:02 von Rogerius - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 8.77)
Português, Brasil [Brasileirão] Classificação após Pannomia O Circo da F3 Brasuca (obviamente cheio de palhaços) despediu-se da Hungria com a etapa em Pannomia. Trazemos agora a classificação até o momento. Campeonato de pilotos (apenas os que marcaram pontos): 1º | 16 | Vicente Reckziegel 2º | 14 | Br...
am 2017-05-24 14:04:11 von Rogerius - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 8.65)
1 ... 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 ... 847