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Español La galería de diseños de JordiMontané Hola! Algunos ya me conocéis del foro español. Simplemente quería escribir este comunicado para enseñaros mi Galería de diseños, donde aparecen todos los diseños para cascos, monos y coches que he realizado para mí y otros mánagers en MRC. Si ...
am 2017-05-31 16:58:24 von JordiMontané - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 7.46)
Català Marc Montané, segon any en curs Després d'una temporada de debut on va progressar adequadament però potser va quedar un pèl estancat a la sèrie de Principiants, Marc Montané ha iniciat el seu segon any amb empenta renovada. Amb els ingressos familiars i el premi per la seva posi...
am 2017-05-31 16:43:51 von JordiMontané - Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.64)
Português, Brasil Not that good an idea I've participated in other games were you had to manage two pilots like a team. There, both drivers went along to the same series. Here, not sure what exactly the proposal is. But some difficulties are evident. If the problem is empty seats on ...
am 2017-05-31 14:32:49 von Rogerius - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 8.98)
Slovenščina Kluna premamila Formula 1 Klun je že nekaj časa napovedoval, da se bo ob koncu sezone 23 upokojil in prenehal z dirkanjem. Očitno pa temu ne bo tako. Danes je namreč podpisal pogodbo z ekipo Formule 1 za sezono 24. Vozil bo v nekonkurenčnem dirkalniku BMWja. Njegov moštven...
am 2017-05-31 09:16:22 von Darac - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.74)
Deutsch Der Marathon Cup XXIX ist entschieden Es liegen noch zwei Rennen vor den Teilnehmern des Marathon Cup XXIX, aber die Entscheidung über den Goldpokal ist gefallen. Die deutsche Fahrerin Claire Grube hat vor den beiden letzten Rennen einen Vorsprung von 60 Punkten auf den Zweitplatzier...
am 2017-05-30 22:18:14 von Fixboy - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.90)
English U19 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP 60 Races 30 Days 3 Champions 1 Ultimate champion Here is the test for all 18 and 19 year olds out there are you willing to join all 3 they will be by invite just message me so people just don't choose just 1 or 2 I want 3 fields of 43 and o...
am 2017-05-30 21:54:39 von BradleyBundy - Likes: 10 | Bewertung: 13.92)
English Ran out of money... I have written it once and I will do it again. I never assess changes as a F1 team owner. I always look at “what would be best for the game” and not at “what would be best for me or the F1 team I am involved with”. So I always support good changes...
am 2017-05-30 13:10:17 von torbar4life - Likes: 7 | Bewertung: 12.88)
English My 2 bucks worth Forgive me but really where is the incentive to train an 8yr old throu karts only to reset skills at 18 , Thats a road to know where , with nothing , for nothing !! . I think its unhealthy for the game to have inactive drivers sitting there purely fo...
am 2017-05-30 11:43:57 von 0071977 - Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.57)
English My two cents As Deuce has pointed out in the forum there are some problem with allowing managers to have two drivers. Messing up the way MRC Formula 1 works is the main issue. To some extent some of us already use our driver to help our Formula 1 team and we onl...
am 2017-05-30 10:55:30 von torbar4life - Likes: 9 | Bewertung: 15.96)
English Canada red is right we should have just have a teammate in this game cause I've like it if there's a teammate on this game
am 2017-05-30 09:12:05 von Miggy2004 - Likes: 1 | Bewertung: 1.92)
English Game feels like it missing something I remember back in beta that we discussed this and it was shot down quickly stating that we would have our hands full with a single driver and wouldn't have time for teams or second drivers. I left the game and have return since beta testing was comp...
am 2017-05-30 04:52:21 von Canada_Red - Likes: 6 | Bewertung: 9.45)
English I agree and roll on some facts and history about it I played the game since 2014, at the time, there were gangs like RAGE who were notorious at the time with managers Lee, Donz and Wresdan, they became an F1 team now partnering with Ford Motorsport who currently field Bruce Wayne who was there since t...
am 2017-05-30 01:09:04 von ThatFPM8Guy - Likes: 7 | Bewertung: 12.89)
English Team Owners a Good idea or a Bad one! While being a long term player I am definitely for this.. But first let discuss the negatives.. The biggest possible negative it allows the possibility of few managers/owners to drive in F1.. There already murmurs of this on certain F1 teams alr...
am 2017-05-30 00:18:37 von TerryWilson - Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 7.20)
Čeština Pohár národů S23 3.týden Třetí týden hrál až na jednu výjimku v náš prospěch a díky tomu jsme se posunuli krásně vpřed. :-) kvalifikace:: 14. J.Kaderabek Jr. - dobrý výsledek, absolutně našlapané pole. 2. R.Wolf - První dvě místa bývalých kolegů u Jordanu :-) Těším se n...
am 2017-05-29 23:41:41 von Ludwei - Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.75)
English Manager or Team owner ??? mmmm Theres been talk lately about empty seats in all catagories across the board resulting in upsetting ratting points etc . SIMPLE i say . Let us or those of us thatd like to be more than mere managers step it up and be a 2 car operation thus known as a...
am 2017-05-29 21:06:33 von 0071977 - Likes: 14 | Bewertung: 23.21)
1 ... 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 ... 841

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