F1 MRC S24: Do You Know?!
Hi everyone, again I gathered a couple of fun MRC F1 facts/information that are not “seen” unless you look it up and do some work, so this is just me sharing it with you guys.
Do you know who was the most improved driver in terms of points when ...
am 2017-10-04 18:57:19 von Tigerman
Likes: 24
Bewertung: 43.31)
F1 Power Rankings: Week X
Hello for the last time this season on this subject guys, the final two races of the MRC F1 season are in the books and we have encountered the S24 champion! So congratulations to R. Grosjean Jr from the Red Bull Racing team, but also congratulations...
am 2017-10-04 17:24:00 von Tigerman
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.45)
Die Durststrecke ist zu Ende
Wer hätte das gedacht? Die lange Durststrecke von Lam Borghini ist zu Ende. Der Seriensieg am `Formula 3 Alpine Series` ist Tatsache geworden! Lam hat sich sehr gut, wenn nicht sogar meisterlich geschlagen in den 20 Rennen. Von diesen hat er gerade m...
am 2017-10-04 16:40:58 von sindos73
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 10.69)
Niin se aika vierähtää
Lähes viiden kuukauden tauon jälkeen Valtteri Sinisalo, manageri FinnishGuy ja toimittaja saivat sovitettua aikataulunsa uutta lehdistötiedotetta varten. Edellisen tiedotteen aikoihin kausi 22 oli loppumaisillaan, nyt ollaan jo hyvin lähellä kauden 2...
am 2017-10-04 15:21:56 von FinnishGuy
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.47)
Joacim Ericsson slutade tolva i årets upplaga av Swedish F3 serie
och det har gett honom inspiration inför nästa år. Han satsar på att köra någon annan serie för att utvecklas och få mer motivation. Inget är klart ännu då vi söker efter lämplig seri...
am 2017-10-04 14:23:12 von BjörnNilsson
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.65)
Anže Ožbolt prvak ETCS
Z odličnimi predstavami v sezoni 24 je Anže Ožbolt poskrbel, da je naslov serije ETCS ponovno romal v roke slovenskega dirkača. Anže je v sezoni 24 osvojil kar štirinajst zmag, še petkrat pa je stal na stopničkah za zmagovalce. Skupaj je sezono konča...
am 2017-10-04 10:44:18 von toxic
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.37)
As the world knows of the founders sad departure from this great world it has taken its toll everyone world wide . Hitting so close to home former bunny turned racer Kerry Smith was devasted by the news only hours after she clinched 2nd place in the ...
am 2017-10-04 10:41:21 von 0071977
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.34)
Season 25 and more: The Ludwick POV
Heading into Season 25, Brandon Ludwick is nearing retirement, and he's racing his final few races of the season in the quicker races.
When asked if he'll race another season, the 38-year old said: "I'm not sure, I'm nearing the end of my car...
am 2017-10-04 06:44:22 von DustinWoods
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 3.76)
Addition to odds
David Melnarowicz Jr. 2-1
Possible championship contender should compete in all series and consistent
am 2017-10-03 15:34:06 von BradleyBundy
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.32)
no nevím co k tomu dodat, ale tento týden nějak zklamalo nastavení auta - při volném tréninku chcalo a mě se ani za 6 kol nepodařilo zbavit červené barvy v nastavení - po všech tréninkových kolech zůstávalo asi 6 hodnot v červeném poli a všechny v ro...
am 2017-10-03 12:29:12 von PDBobr
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 1.88)
Vilanova FTW
Easy money would be on Vilanova... having "suffered" him in our own NMA championships, he's so fast, finishes most races. Does not usually lose ground in races which is always a plus.
That being said, I see maybe Karminov as the biggest t...
am 2017-10-03 12:22:52 von JordiMontané
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.61)
0 punts: mal any!
Fa uns dies vaig escriure un comunicat parlant una mica de la temporada a la Fórmula E i per desgracia la cosa no ha canviat.
La meva pilot Heleia Geronés no ha fet cap punt al campionat. Sempre va esta a prop però al final res!! A la clasificació...
am 2017-10-03 09:46:55 von HeleiaGeronès
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.33)
Season 25: 21 and Under World and Continental Championships Preview
Welcome to the season 25 21 and Under World and Continental Championships preview.
Anyone that has seen any of the previous 6 races in the series. The U19 and U20 both having 60 races know that this series is one of the most competitive series in ...
am 2017-10-03 04:48:56 von BradleyBundy
Likes: 11
Bewertung: 19.58)
Resumão da Indy Junior T24
Após 16 etapas a Indy Junior conheceu seu campeão, o português Patrício Cruz, (640 pontos), confirmando assim o favoritismo por ser o piloto melhor ranqueado da categoria.
A segunda melhor campanha do campeonato ficou com o veterano eslovaco, Adam...
am 2017-10-02 21:45:06 von Giordano29
Likes: 8
Bewertung: 13.74)
Haastava kausi Afrikassa takana
Frank Gymer on saanut uransa toisen kauden päätökseen. Gymer pystyi kaudella tasaisiin suorituksiin, mutta todellisista kärkisijoista hän ei vielä pystynyt taistelemaan. Erikoista Gymerin kaudessa oli se, että hän ajoi kaikissa perjantain lyhyissä ki...
am 2017-10-02 19:47:51 von Markkamake
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.65)