TRABANT gibt Fahrer für Saison 27 bekannt
In einer kurzfrisitg anberaumten Pressekonferenz bestätigte TRABANT heute Gerüchte, wonach der Rennstall die Saison 27 zum dritten Mal in Folge mit dem gleichen Fahreraufgebot starten wird.
Leco Hamberg and Aleksandr Suvorov haben beide einen Vert...
am 2018-01-08 12:27:18 von Fixboy
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.20)
TRABANT drivers for S27
TRABANT announced today that it will head into F1 season S27 with the same driver line-up for the third straight time.
Leco Hamberg and Aleksandr Suvorov will remain at TRABANT for yet another season.
After they both had their rookie season in ...
am 2018-01-08 12:21:34 von Fixboy
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 11.07)
2018 arrives and as it is already confirmed, the one that promises to be the most spectacular motor event of the year starts. Fast & Furious Live starts in London, United Kingdom and the expectation is maximum.
In London the European tou...
am 2018-01-08 02:32:35 von MrDaf
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 3.55)
Podio y vuelta rápida de Macias Pajares
Por fin Macías ha vuelto a pisar el podio que tanto se le resiste. Además se ha mostrado más rápido que el imbatido Messi. Pena de los errores que le hicieron perder más de 10 segundos y la segunda plaza.
"Me s'ha metío una abeja en el cajco&qu...
am 2018-01-07 23:18:07 von zupox
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.44)
Waarom zou ik een persbericht schrijven?
Deze vraag heb je je zelf misschien al eens gesteld. En zo niet dan stel ik hem nu voor jullie.
Er zijn een aantal redenen:
- interactie tussen de spelers
- andere spelers laten weten waar je mee bezig bent
- coins verdienen.
de eerste twee ...
am 2018-01-07 18:42:24 von Pollie
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 3.65)
bonne année a tous et a toutes
salut à tous,bonne et heureuse année à vous
étant un rookie,j'espere pouvoir reussir une bonne saison(26)je ne cherche pas les premières places mais a faire une saison correcte histoire de prendre mes marques.donc je ferai mon possible pour rivalise...
am 2018-01-06 22:05:32 von caraflash
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 8.94)
Hi their every one i have made new Privet series my frist one that is and their is 23/43 places in and they will be part 2 so the drivers are qualifyied for part for World Series Cup season 1 Part 1:
drivers are
Julius Graff (Russia)
Antonio M...
am 2018-01-06 18:49:03 von MichaelJones1
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 8.24)
Ultima temporada de Alfonso De Portago?
El equipo de MrDaf no esta teniendo los resultados esperados esta temporada,su piloto,Alfonso De Portago,no esta rindiendo como se esperaba y el coche tampoco es muy fiable. nos llegan rumores de que la proxima temporada comenzara un nuevo proyecto c...
am 2018-01-06 16:47:38 von MrDaf
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.20)
Activity Cup SK/CZ
Po dlhšej dobe štartuje na Slovensku veľmi dobre známy Activity Cup a rozhodli sme sa prizvať aj vašu českú komunitu.
Zrejme veľa z vás nevie o čo sa jedná.
Tvojich povinností nieje veľa.
1. Tipneš si kvalifikačný čas tu na fóre: htt...
am 2018-01-05 13:33:02 von sivi123
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 10.84)
Selamat Tahun Baru
Kami segenap kru dan driver tim Reza Kurniawan mengucapkan selamat tahun baru.
am 2018-01-04 12:47:35 von VivantSuryaMathar
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 0.00)
Hope for the Future
18 seasons and over 3 1/2 years of F1 series. This game can get so much bigger and more popular.
I joined this game day 1 of season 17 only changes have been:
New series just exchanging type of vehicles and locals.
Prediction option.
And Priva...
am 2018-01-03 22:39:40 von BradleyBundy
Likes: 13
Bewertung: 24.05)
This is Getting Even More Ridiculous…
You might have read and liked my previous press release that I wrote, it was titled “This is Getting Ridiculous...” (https://www.myracin... my press release got 19 likes and it scored 35.116 points. The second most liked press release got 14 likes an...
am 2018-01-03 17:35:50 von toxic
Likes: 17
Bewertung: 31.23)
Activity Cup SK/CZ
Ahojte kamaráti,
Po dlhšom čase je späť Activity Cup s trošku pozmeneným názvom. Dôvod je jednoduchý, zajazdíme si spolu s CZ jazdcami. Pozvánky by mali mať zatiaľ všetci jazdci zo slovenskej komunity. Ak by niekto nemal tak nech ma kontaktuje do ...
am 2018-01-03 15:23:51 von sivi123
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.13)
Un brand legendar revine în Formula 1 după 30 de ani și și-a prezentat deja monopostul
Un brand legendar revine in formula 1 după trei decenii. Din 2018, Alfa Romeo readuce spectacolul în Marele Circ.
Alfa Romeo revine în Marele Circ după 30 de ani. Va fi sponsorul principal al celor de la Sauber, iar monopostul propulsat de motorul...
am 2018-01-03 14:15:47 von DoRuF1
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Bewertung: 0.00)
Un apropiat al lui Schumacher i-ar fi făcut acestuia o poză şi ar fi vrut să o vândă contra a 1,1 milioane de euro
La finalul lunii decembrie s-au împlinit patru ani de la teribilul accident suferit la schi de Michael Schumacher, în urma căruia septuplul campion mondial din Formula 1 s-a ales cu leziuni severe la nivelul creierului.
Deşi aceşti ani au fost foa...
am 2018-01-03 14:15:07 von DoRuF1
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Bewertung: 0.00)