Sebastian Vettel a câștigat Marele Premiu al Australiei! Ferrari, start în forță în 2018!
Pilotul german Sebastian Vettel (Ferrari) a câştigat Marele Premiu al Australiei, prima etapă a Campionatului Mondial de Formula 1 ediţia 2018, care a avut loc duminică pe circuitul Albert Park din Melbourne, cursă transmisă ÎN DIRECT la Digi Sport 1...
am 2018-04-01 12:18:16 von DoRuF1
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Bewertung: 0.00)
Batman Also Raced with Ford!
Seems some have forgot that Bruce Waynes time with Ford also started the Rise of Ford off the cellar in F1.. Such personal sacrifices are Not lost in USA at least!
am 2018-04-01 01:17:56 von TerryWilson
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Bewertung: 0.00)
BMW Lineup Season 28
Bruce Wayne
After a rumor that Bruce Wayne was to retire in Season 28, BMW signed the American superstar. He had previously raced for Audi and Williams, and in Season 26, raced in Indy Junior.
Oleg Petrov
Many people think that LKR made a bad ch...
am 2018-03-31 18:07:18 von TriableNine
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Bewertung: 1.91)
Clasificacion provisional World Cup of Racing 27 - II
Ya han transcurrido seis rondas de la World Cup of Racing de la temporada 27 y la clasificación provisional de la competición es la siguiente:
1 - Poland 1 - 857
2 - Canada One - 537
3 - Portugal A - 439
4 - Poland 2 - 436
5 - Netherlands - 42...
am 2018-03-31 12:11:12 von WarpER
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.58)
WCoR ronde 6
En dan is het alweer tijd voor ronde 6
Marc Flinterman kende een Wisselvallig weekend. P5 in de kwalificatie werd omgezet naar P4 in de race. Race twee was helaas snel ten einde door technische problemen.
Richard Verschoor wil dit weekend gewo...
am 2018-03-30 23:19:52 von Pollie
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 8.81)
NONO Racing - World GT & NASC team (PICTURES!)
I'm very happy, our team is gonna be bigger then ever, some new and very talented drivers came to us and try to take some trophies and they have really, really big chance for it.
TerryWilson's Aaron Foyt (USA, Chevrolet Corvette) and daniel00cro's...
am 2018-03-30 19:57:13 von Boczy
Likes: 10
Bewertung: 18.05)
ADAC GT MASTERS 27-29/04/2018
pro všechny fandy motorsportu a fanoušky závodních specialu Vás chci pozvat na Autodrom Most kde se koná ADAC GT MASTERS.
ADAC GT MASTERS je mezinárodním seriálem závodů upravených supersportovních vozů kategorie GT3 se základnou v Něm...
am 2018-03-30 14:44:25 von VolisWiliam
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.47)
laatste seizoen
bijzonder nieuws bij redbull, mike wunderink is nog maar net begonnen, maar gaat eind dit seizoen weer vertrekken, van de most (directeur) had een aanbieding van een hoger team, en wou deze wunderink niet onthouden, daardoor komt er een 19 jarige cou...
am 2018-03-30 08:29:22 von gerko
Likes: 10
Bewertung: 13.59)
This is not a serious Post
Guys this a post simply putting humor to how overly serious we become over something suppose to be Fun!.. So simply put the fun back into it. Dr. Doolittle the original was a fun movie for the family. He talked to the animals we could not tell what ...
am 2018-03-29 19:29:25 von TerryWilson
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.63)
Its all about Data
I think all you need is some race data for your strategy. I m gonna send u a PM.
am 2018-03-28 22:58:35 von Antares
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 1.93)
Pozdvihnutie slovenskej
Ahojte, reagujem na tlacovku siviho123. Je jasne, ze komunitu treba znova nastartovat, pretoze nam oslabla, zatial co ine krajiny ako napriklad Brazilia lebo Argnetina v poslednom case vyrazne narastli... Ako na to?
am 2018-03-28 15:10:28 von DebiK
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Bewertung: 9.35)
Ožbolt fenomenalno!
Sezona 27 se je za Ožbolta začela fenomenalno, saj je bil na prvih štirih dirkah kar trikrat najboljši na kvalifikacijah. Tudi na dirkah mu ni šlo veliko slabše, saj je prav vse dirke končal na stopničkah. Mogoče je malce ironično, da je vse dirke, k...
am 2018-03-27 21:27:08 von toxic
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Bewertung: 7.48)
Zakrajšek še vedno brez točk
V prvih štirih dirkah je Milan Zakrajšek pokazal solidno formo, a žal še vedno ostaja brez točk. Na vodni dirki se je zalomilo v kvalifikacijah, saj je zaradi napake osvojil šele 13. mesto, čeprav je imel malce hitrejši dirkalnik kot njegov moštveni ...
am 2018-03-27 12:36:09 von torbar4life
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Bewertung: 7.48)
WCoR ronde 5
in groep A reed Marc Flinterman naar de 9e plaats maar het zat zeer dicht op elkaar. In race een wist hij al een stuk naar voren te komen P5. Race twee ging nog wat beter, podium! p3
Richard verschoor leek er nier echt bij te zitten met de kwalifi...
am 2018-03-27 07:59:40 von Pollie
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.16)
Mrc racing career is a Push me Pull you!
How many have seen doctor Doolittle? Well I know my racing career with my driver has been the Ultimate push me Pull you! Sometimes I pushing him Forward and he is pulling me back! Sometimes the Game with random factors are pushing my driver Backwar...
am 2018-03-27 00:01:29 von TerryWilson
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 8.47)