Copa do Brasileirão: conclusão das quartas de final.
A corrida no oval de El Dorado concluiu as quartas de final da copa e definiu os semifinalistas.
Com duas vitórias, Luiz Thomazini eliminou Ícaro de Assis: 8x4 e 5x1.
Rafael Drummond também venceu duas vezes Asdrúbal Pin...
am 2018-12-07 14:29:06 von Rogerius
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 3.74)
Foyt will hang up his helmet at end of this season
Foyt Goal was always F1. He made sacrifices to get their racing against way more skilled drivers most of his career. It was said once he was a test driver for this became mostly true By facing the best competition in series a wee bit over his head. ...
am 2018-12-07 00:23:24 von TerryWilson
Likes: 22
Bewertung: 38.94)
Classificação após 06/10 corridas
1º Roger Relâmpago, 111 pontos
1º Jose Carlos Pace, 111 pontos
3º Rafael Drummond, 109 pontos
4º Luiz Thomazini, 105 pontos
5º Bruno Correa, 86 pontos
6º Tony Hoffmann, 81 pontos
7º Asdrubal Pinto, 78 pontos
8º Alex Reis, 76 pontos
am 2018-12-06 19:53:53 von jeansapia
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 3.81)
Maybe it you be nice to have live chat room
I think it would help a lot to have live chat room. It would be great place for questions and answers for new players. It also might help humanize relationships between players who love the game. I think it could increase the friendships and make ou...
am 2018-12-06 08:20:15 von TerryWilson
Likes: 11
Bewertung: 18.38)
Kentucky 400
de Kentucky 400 heeft een matig resultaat opgeleverd voor Raymond van de Pol. 13e is niet echt waar je op hoopt maar het zijn wel weer punten voor het kampioenschap.
am 2018-12-05 22:51:46 von Pollie
Likes: 0
Bewertung: 0.00)
Inizio Avvincente
Sei gare, prima di approdare a Imola!
Fino ad ora abbiamo assistito a un campionato molto combattuto, con piloti ad aver ottenuto vittorie. In testa alla classifica anche se con una sola Vittoria troviamo L.Colombo che grazie alla sua costanza si ri...
am 2018-12-04 23:13:15 von CarmineLuce
Likes: 9
Bewertung: 15.30)
XIII Amigos Runners
Cumprida a rodada dupla em Marrakech, Marrocos (etapas 17 e 18 de 20), a XIII Supercopa Amigos Runners tem um novo campeão.
Bruno Corrêa garante matematicamente o título com mais duas vitórias, auxiliado por uma performance mediana de Rafael Drumm...
am 2018-12-04 18:57:18 von Rogerius
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.50)
Pohár národů S30 5.týden - Zažité už všechno
S potěšením musím oznámit že jedna třetina závodů je za námi a my jsme na stále krásném DRUHÉM MÍSTĚ!!!!!!
Jak jsem psal již minule, že je vždy dobré když jsou alespoň nějaké mega top výsledky, že kdyby náhodou tak se to trochu vyrovná, kdyby ...
am 2018-12-04 14:05:46 von Ludwei
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 11.06)
Don't wanna miss a thing!
Thanks for organizing the Crazy Canuck series. I'm here from the beginning (British Invasion, From Russia W Love and French Kiss), and I'm looking forward for the next ones.
You can count on me in the future too.
I'm already sad thinking, that when...
am 2018-12-04 11:35:12 von Verdike
Likes: 0
Bewertung: 0.00)
Kierowcy F1 na sezon 2019
Lista kierowców Formuły 1 na sezon 2019
Znamy już pełną listę kierowców Formuły 1 na sezon 2019. Jest sporo zmian w porównaniu do sezonu 2018. 6 kierowców z sezonu 2018 nie zobaczymy w tym roku w F1 (Vandoorne, Alonso, Ericsson, Hartley, Ocon, S...
am 2018-12-04 10:11:27 von komanch
Likes: 12
Bewertung: 20.90)
Daytona 400
Raymond van de Pol heeft het beste gemaakt van de Daytona 400. Na een crash in de kwalificatie moest hij als laatste starten. de eerste rondes waren een ware inhaalrace met soms wel vijf plekken winst per ronde. Natuurlijk werd het wat moeilijker naa...
am 2018-12-04 08:07:27 von Pollie
Likes: 0
Bewertung: 0.00)
More posts
I think there would be more posts, if there was a notification that there is a NEW post on the series page... I dont check the series chat because there is no notification that there is a new post.
am 2018-12-03 23:55:49 von daniel00cro
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.29)
Joe Skidmore announces his retirement (NASC Canada Series)
United States Driver/Owner, Joe Skidmore talked with MRC Magazine from his shop in Minnesota yesterday about retiring from his role as driver.
"My son, Joseph (Joey) Skidmore will be our driver here at SRE starting next season running our Stock...
am 2018-12-03 23:10:31 von JoeSkidmore
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.51)
Fabi sbarca in America?
Il giovane pilota Marco Fabi ha trovato ad inizio stagione un volante nel team privato Unieuro Honda per partecipare al campionato TCS Benelux. L'obiettivo era quello di fare esperienza, ottenere qualche buon piazzamento e provare a terminare nella t...
am 2018-12-03 19:24:59 von Mosca
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 4.35)
You're Right
I agree with you. The game would be a lot more enjoyable if more users would interact in series chat. In the past I have also tried to start a conversation without any successes.
I think the main problem is that most people don't even check the &q...
am 2018-12-03 18:11:18 von torbar4life
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.30)