Vercammen aard moeilijk in Oceanië
Seizoen 34 is tot dus ver een seizoen met ups en downs geweest voor Hugo Vercammen, die voor de eerste keer uitkomt in de F3 series Oceania. Waar hij vooraf hoopte om mee te draaien voor de podiumplaatsen moet hij tot nog toe tevreden zijn met drie v...
am 2019-10-04 13:34:15 von denhugo
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.12)
Raymond van de Pol moest even op gang komen bij de ETCS wedstrijden op het circuit van Brno. door een fout in de eerste kwalificatie zat er niet meer in als de 9e plaats. dat bleef zo in de race. race 2 ging al beter met een 4e plaats. en in de laats...
am 2019-10-03 07:37:23 von Pollie
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 3.41)
Season series selection is a tough choice
First off season series selection is a tough choice for a manager at any level. No matter what you have expierenced as a manger in your past a young driver early in his career faces rough choices.. Truth is also winning any series is rare, It matter...
am 2019-10-03 04:26:34 von TerryWilson
Likes: 11
Bewertung: 19.80)
Shame On You Season Series!
Season Series is the easiest way to gain rating, trophy, sum of money for training, and also increase your reputation as a driver. But, I see that all of the series have their own domination and being pathetic with the same champions for all the time...
am 2019-10-02 06:27:36 von BebekSinjai
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.04)
[BR19] Classificação 06/16
1º Bruno Correa, 101
2º Luiz Thomazini, 95
2º Rafael Drummond, 95
2º Juca Macieira II, 95
5º Alex Reis, 91
6º Roger Relâmpago, 90.5
7º Asdrubal Pinto, 88
8º Karina Sette, 79
9º Ricardo Medinha Conessa, 78
10º Emerson Tutu II, 73.5
11º Berna...
am 2019-10-01 03:15:36 von jeansapia
Likes: 8
Bewertung: 13.69)
Martin Lošić:This is my time in moto E
I am in this seazon I have in 13 place. My new seria is good and I have to go for batle for top3.It is good time to my skil.It is done for this seazon.
am 2019-09-30 21:56:55 von cucak11
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.22)
Porsche Racing is looking to expand
To ensure the continuity of our growth we have decided to look for two or three active managers to join our team. The easiest and most simple way to become a Porsche Racing owner is by starting to support us by regularly donating activity/voting poin...
am 2019-09-30 16:18:37 von torbar4life
Likes: 23
Bewertung: 39.21)
Kako uspešen je uvod sezone 34 za slovenske dirkače
Čas je za prvi pregled uspešnosti slovenskih dirkačev v sezoni 34.
Formula 1 World Series
Skupni vrstni red po 8. od 21. dirk:
1. F. Bum 116 točk
2. L. Kaderabek Jr 94 točk
3. L. de Saint-Germain 88 to... T. Mang 82 točk
5. L. Vaara 7...
am 2019-09-30 15:29:57 von Clunker
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.50)
Pohár národů S34 4.týden - "Různorodost z nás dělá tým"
Už ani nevím kdy jsem začal psát zde tiskovky a to nejen o poháru národů, ale přátelé věřte, že tohle je má 200-tá tiskovka zde na MRC. Takže už dost jste si toho ode mě přečetli a já nehodlám u tohoto čísla samozřejmě zůstat, proto hned se rozepisuj...
am 2019-09-30 15:07:53 von Ludwei
Likes: 10
Bewertung: 18.06)
F2: Atelšek zmagal v Belgiji
Atelšek je na osmi dirki sezone v Belgijskemu Spaju vendarle okusil tudi zmago.
Sedmič od osmih dirk je Dare končal na odru za zmagovalce, pa je bila to šele prva zmaga v sezoni.
Vse se je začelo v kvalifikacijah. Atelšek je na sredinih kvalifika...
am 2019-09-30 14:47:51 von Darac
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.59)
Mattia Catania giovanissimo pilota (18enne) con una storia bizzarra alle spalle.
Nasce il 23 Giugno 2001 in Italia in Sicilia a Palermo, da piccolo non ha i soldi per partecipare a un campionato di go kart ma ogni giorno lui guarda la f1 così il pap...
am 2019-09-29 21:06:38 von mattiaCatania
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 3.70)
F3 Masters Season 33 Full Review
Hey guys, sorry if it's taken so long to do this but I've still been busy and I guess it never stops huh but anyways I'm back to tell you first of all, a Season 34 is happening but I will need to get the funds together so if you got some spare coins ...
am 2019-09-28 20:47:38 von ThatFPM8Guy
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.55)
Frustraciones por los malos resultados
Aun que me encuentro cerca del top 5 de la TCR Benelux Series con 297 puntos con 4 tops 5 como mejores resultados (de hecho 4 veces terminando quinto) tras 4 rondas progresadas. He estado viendo a mi piloto muy inconsistente al igual que la zafra pas...
am 2019-09-28 06:53:56 von DanielAlfonsoSiso
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 4.76)
[INDY S34 CORRÊA] Classificação após 6/17 corridas
Etapa 4 - GP de Alabama – A etapa começou com uma excelente classificação de Corrêa, que com uma volta limpa largou em 3º colocado. Corrêa apostou em uma estratégia de 2 paradas começando a corrida mais lento. O início da corrida contou com uma dispa...
am 2019-09-27 21:28:56 von Foston
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 10.72)
Luce, cambio passo...e sponsor.
Dopo le prime gare di campionato dove Luce non aveva brillato eravamo rimasti con una grande domanda: riuscirà a reggere la pressione del Gp do casa??
La risposta è stata positiva, dopo un quinto posto in qualifica conduce una gara in solitaria, che...
am 2019-09-27 17:46:25 von CarmineLuce
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.20)