Exclusive Interview with Ezra Sherman
The Balkan Formula 3 series is almost at it's midway point, and American Ezra Sherman is raring for another victory. After winning the first race of the season, the victory has just escaped him on multiple occasions. Today, we have an exclusive inter...
am 2020-05-24 21:54:58 von almondmilk
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 4.40)
Moto 1 Power Rankings - Germany & The Netherlands
That time of the week again, another Moto 1 Power Rankings release is hot off the spreadsheet! ;)
am 2020-05-24 20:56:56 von Tigerman
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 1.92)
Campeonato de Resistência da WAR - Edição #1
Olá de novo fãs e amigos da WAR. Como devem já saber estamos a lançar uma nova série esta época, o Campeonato de Resistência da WAR (WAR-EC). Os detalhes para a ´série já foram explicados e podem ser vistos em baixo. Estamos prontos para começar no d...
am 2020-05-24 11:10:59 von Tigerman
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 0.89)
WAR Endurance Series Championship - #1 Edition
Hi again fans and friends of WAR. As you by now know we are launching a new series this season, the WAR Endurance Series Championship (WAR-EC). The details for the series have been explained and can be found below. We are set to start day 36 MRC, and...
am 2020-05-24 11:07:20 von Tigerman
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 2.70)
Cronaca del 10Way Division A - prima tornata: "Fuori gli attributi"
"Fuori gli attributi", così a quanto ci è stato riferito si sarebbe espresso il presidente Dorset dopo aver visto i risultati dei piloti italiani nelle prime due gare del torneo internazionale 10Way Division A, nel circuito di casa di Imola...
am 2020-05-23 21:58:05 von chia99
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 6.20)
quero msuperliçenca
am 2020-05-22 23:09:57 von Firulo
Likes: 1
Bewertung: 1.89)
Formula E: Vidmar povečal prednost
Po prvih štirih dirkah je kazalo, da bo za Blaža Vidmarja ubranitev naslova kar precejšen izziv, a le tri dirke zatem je slike v Formuli E povsem drugačna. Vidmarju je na zadnjih treh dirkah uspelo vselej zmagati, medtem ko je glavni izzivalec Terry ...
am 2020-05-22 22:21:59 von Clunker
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.73)
Formula 1: V tretje gre rado
Slovenski dirkač Dare Atelšek je na Veliki nagradi Avstrije vendarle uspel vpisati svojo prvo zmago v Formuli 1. Obenem je bila to tudi prava zmaga za Slovenijo.
Naj spomnimo, da je Atelšek začel sezono s fenomenalnim nastopom na kvalifikacijah v ...
am 2020-05-22 18:53:55 von torbar4life
Likes: 4
Bewertung: 7.67)
Andadura per la Temorada 37 en AENA
Actualment ens trobem en la posició 17, lluny de l'TOP10, si es pot descriure aquest primer terç de la temporada és, MALA SORT, diversos problemes d'avaries o xocs, ens han privat de lluitar per les primeres places i poder esta...
am 2020-05-21 09:31:40 von albgim96
Likes: 3
Bewertung: 5.52)
Andadura por la Temorada 37 en AENA
Actualmente nos encontramos en la 17 posición, lejos del TOP10, si se puede describir este primer tercio de la temporada seria, MALA SUERTE, varios problemas de averías o de choques, nos han privado de luchar por las primeras plazas y ...
am 2020-05-21 09:27:30 von albgim96
Likes: 2
Bewertung: 3.60)
[BR22] Classificação após 06/16 corridas
Classificação após a corrida 06/16
1º - Alex Reis ................. 112 pontos
2º - Luiz Thomazini ......... 101 pontos
3º - Juca Macieira II ........ 99 pontos
4º - Asdrubal Pinto .......... 99 pontos
5º - Rafael Drummond ...... 9...
am 2020-05-21 05:09:22 von FlavioMarçal
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 7.36)
F2 World Cup
I am sorry I missed the 2.0 season series to rate it. It would be just slightly higher then DTWS. The series are about the same in difficulty. But With the Intense competition of this Classic makes winning it harder then DTWS. The biggest reason for...
am 2020-05-20 18:07:25 von TerryWilson
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 8.30)
Pohár národů S37 4.týden - Smůla skoro všude
4. týden Poháru národů, do kterého česká repre vstoupila v totožné sestavě, sliboval tak jako vždy závody plné nervy drásajících momentů, kolizí a heroických vítězství, a proto nám zbývá nahlédnout, zda-li se podobného momentu aktivně účastnil i jede...
am 2020-05-20 13:02:14 von Koruzi
Likes: 5
Bewertung: 9.23)
Gentlemen Start your enigines seizoen 3
Omdat het vorig jaar zo leuk was, liggen de plannen wederom klaar om terug te starten met de GSYE series. Maar ook dit jaar stoten we weer tegen een tekort van coins.
Daarom deze oproep: Wie wil en kan ons sponsoren? Een deel van de coins, krijg j...
am 2020-05-20 06:55:10 von svvander
Likes: 8
Bewertung: 12.21)
Rating the Top Mrc Season series
Since I have personally raced In all the Top season series and least one season. I thought I would write about which of these series I rate the top. Not purely based on Rating but how difficult they are to manage a driver from. So lets get started
am 2020-05-20 00:49:55 von TerryWilson
Likes: 6
Bewertung: 10.35)