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Pressemitteilungen - Azem Investments Purchase Mercedes Stock

Azem Investments Purchase Mercedes Stock

Young driver Herluin Azem may have just gained valuable insight into the inner workings of an F1 team, as his hedge fund, Azem Investments, purchased 3.2% of Mercedes AMG F1 last week. Azem comes from inherited wealth and must be hoping that this move will improve his chances of getting a run in a top racing series.

The 20 year old, who is currently entered into the F3 South East Asian Series for next season, has had a disappointing rookie season, with impressive performances in one-off races being unable to mask the disappointment of multiple DNFs in both the Rookie Series and Island Tour VIII. Azem has said in a recent interview that he has made several changes to his driving style in order to prevent further non-finishes. Whether these changes can gain him a good position in F3 next season remains to be seen.

Is this a stepping stone for the young driver to turn into a future racing star, or is this simply another one of racing's money drivers that are doomed to fail? Only time will tell.

am 2019-11-04 11:16:11 von Kava13
Likes: 5 | Bewertung: 8.05

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