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Pressemitteilungen - The MRC CUP and F2 series

The MRC CUP and F2 series

I never really understood the MRC cup.. It would be better if MRC CUP was a closed series that only allowed drivers from F3 regional and F3 major podium drivers was entered automatically into F3 MRC CUP.. It would make a lot more sense and would become a Lower form of a championship for younger drivers/managers. A true Champions Cup.

Now the reason why the suggestion was rather simple in Nature. All the new series that removed F2 series racing went into a rather intense weekly commitment. Different managers even after making a complete tour from F1 really need a Break but still want to race.. The F3 format is perfect qaul on Wed sprint on Fri feature on Sunday.. Now after F3 series there is only MRC Cup 1.0 and F2 world cup. Then it right back into and everyday commitment again. So adding 2 F2 series that was 1.5 would fix the problem..

But we need to remember Why we lost a few series to begin with.. The Season Series Home page needed to stay 1 Page.. So from my looking at the page 1 F2 season series fits Fine.. But 2 would mean something would have to go. Now I know they try to keep space open for another National series Like Ukraine that had one before but players base from that country dropped. So in short term one F3 type would need to make way for a second F2 feeder to F2 world.

My guess is the F2 would fill with many of f3 MRC cup and maybe few Of the Other F3 series camped by managers who just do not want to logon everyday..

I would think Most would enjoy F3 MRC cup become a series where Podiums winners from other F3 series would have to go.. It gives some early recognition and makes F3 series more fun for all. Because winners of the Big series in F3 would all be in MRC cup the next season. Some say it will hurt my rating.. Then simply do not enter F3 majors or regionals. I only see tons of upside and renewed interest In F3 and F2 racing that has been the Backbone of MRC racing since the very beginning!


am 2019-08-06 02:55:12 von TerryWilson
Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.22
Das sind die Kommentare zum letzten Artikel:

Yes and kick out ye old bastards from F2-F3 series

am 2019-08-05 03:56:59 von HåkanFerm - Likes: 15 | Score: 21.508

I totally Second this but for another reason. Ranking series There is nothing in between ranking 1.00 - 1.5/1.6 series with 1-2 more F2 series were we could put ranking at 1.2 - 1.3 i am sure several up and coming drivers would love to have a seri...

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