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Pressemitteilungen - Daneil Riccardo and Kevinharvick412's press confrence from sunday night

Daneil Riccardo and Kevinharvick412's press confrence from sunday night

On sunday night's press confrence Daneil Riccardo announced he would be racing the NASC seires next season, heres what his crew cheif had to say.
"we sucked this year, Daneil is a young driver with talent he doesnt know how to use yet, and who needs more expeirence he raced go karts all his life and still needs practice so i think with practice this offseason we could have a to 20 car next year instead of a top 30."

he also announced that they would be staying with the team next year as well. and they would stick with ford.

heres what Daneil had to say.
"i never would have thought that i would be in the NASC Gold seires but here i am, i just want to say to all young fans and young drivers out there, never give up on your dream, just do that and you could end up living up to that dream."

The team also said that they are happy with 26th in the standings because they are a young team.

am 2019-05-21 15:51:07 von Kevinarvick412
Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.85

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