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Two Drivers Time?

The problem I see in encouraging new managers is that their driver will either be uncompetitive early on, or start badly in order to become competitive later. Therefore I would allow a new manager 2 drivers (only if they wish); a default 24-year old driver with only driving skills and a choice of new 18/19/20 year old with customisable skills. The 24-year old due to retire at the end of the current season.

This gives new managers a chance to both grow a driver and to compete (again if they wish to do so).

Extending this to all managers, I suggest a manager should be able to announce their current driver will retire at the end of this season and start a second driver at that point. This will help the first season of a new driver become less painful.

am 2019-01-28 20:16:44 von Mobeer
Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 1.94
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Empty Series

am 2019-01-08 10:59:59 von Adamski - Likes: 23 | Score: 40.341

The last thing I want to do is keep repeating the same old problem... But... Right now, season series are looking worse than ever, and it's a problem that has steadily grown year on year. As of writing this press release, the following series are ...

Reaktionen zu dieser Pressemitteilung

Two Drivers Time? suggestion

am 2019-01-29 06:41:52 von WilieEthelbertCoyote - Likes: 3 | Score: 5.429

I see your point Mobeer, I think I would tackle this differently. As I see it there are two main objectives. One is for new managers, who knows nothing and are faced with a learning curve that is steep ahead. I get the European model. Se...

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