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Pressemitteilungen - F1 Power Rankings S31: Week I

F1 Power Rankings S31: Week I

Hi again guys, after a five seasons hiatus I decided to bring back the unofficial F1 Power Rankings (PR) for this F1 MRC season. It's basically more of the same if you used to follow these, there are now other drivers but the formula remains the same, I just added a teams PR for fun sake.

Here are the Power Rankings update with 2 MRC F1 GPs completed!

Formula Explanation:
Power Ranking is calculated in five steps (see examples below):
1. Race finish position divided by number of drivers.
2. Multiply the result of step (1) by 100 and then subtract 100. The number is rounded up to the nearest thousandths.
3. Qualifying position divided by number of drivers.
4. Multiply the result of step (3) by 50 and then subtract 50. The number is rounded up to the nearest thousandths.
5. Sum the two results and divide by the number of total F1 GP in a season.

Note: The team's PR is reached by simply adding the two drivers of each team PR's totals and divide that outcome by two.

LW Rank = Last Week Ranking
PR = Power Rating
PR Diff = Power Rating Difference Compared to Last Week

F1 Power Rankings: Week I

F1 Team Power Rankings: Week I

The Top3 MRC F1 drivers of the week were:
#1 Franciszek Bum
#2 Lukin Kaderabek Jr
#3 Lucas de Saint-Germain

That's it for this week PR. Still 9 weeks to go. ;)

am 2019-01-21 21:55:03 von Tigerman
Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.73

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