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Pressemitteilungen - Junior Team Assistant in F1 (m/w)

Junior Team Assistant in F1 (m/w)

You feel isolation as the result of lack of a cooperation modes in the gameplay of MRC? You are bored with the aspect of having to look for the progress of just one single driver? You feel the urge of becoming more than just the common manager?

Well, this is your chance as McLaren Racing is looking for one or two junior team assistant(s) who like to drive into the future with us!

•Passion for MRC and continuous daily activity
•Willingness to invest the time necessary for (co-)running one of the leading F1 teams
•Advanced knowledge about MRC in general (minimum two seasons of experience) and especially F1 rules
•Capability to communicate in english, german is an advantage
•Certain level of communication skills and possibilities (preferably WhatsApp)
•Basic knowledge of documentation and math
•Planning, accounting and excel skills are additional advantages

If you’re interested in not just becoming a part of MRC’s future, but also taking on a considerable function in one of the leading F1 teams and feel up to this task, send your (short) application via pm to either Invictus and/or Shikilicious, current management of McLaren Racing!

am 2018-04-25 10:05:10 von RngRouletteF1
Likes: 33 | Bewertung: 61.13

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