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Pressemitteilungen - It is almost the end of the Nations Cup

It is almost the end of the Nations Cup

With two races to Italy bypasses Russia at the top and take a margin of 44 points on the rival team.
Fans said they were very happy after the excellent results of the team's drivers, who have achieved the following placings:

Alex Botta Hungaroring gets third place in Race 1 and a fifth place in race 2 after being overtaken during his second pit stop.

Guido Di Rado has played the race at Dijon-Prenois, after starting in third place took advantage of the bad race of the Latvian cross the finish line in second position.
The lot was not the same for race 2, the pilot made a serious mistake on the third lap that resulted in eighth or posizionee despite numerous attempts to gain positions was able to secure only a seventh place.

The race circuit of Monza nazionele was held by Paolo Grandi who defended excellently from attack and managed to win both races in the fastest time in both events.

Andre Acarini qualified for the race at the Red Bull Ring with the second time and is riusctito maintain gara1.In position in race 2, however, because of a mistake the driver is relegated to third position

Sergio Muzzio Jr (U21) took to the track in Barcelona and has dominated both events and clocked the fastest lap in race 1.

Alberto Capeta Taira (U21) having started in fourth position, the Hockenheimring race track, in race 1 manages to gain the second place also getting the fastest lap, and then confirm the result in race 2.


am 2015-11-03 13:02:23 von CarmineLuce
Likes: 3 | Bewertung: 5.06

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