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Pressemitteilungen - 2 in a row for Wolf Woeger!

2 in a row for Wolf Woeger!

21 year old Indy_junior_USA starter Wolf Woeger took 2 wins in a row in his first year in this exciting championship.
The races took place at the Ovals of Kentucky and Las Vegas and pushed "WW", how his buddys name him, into the 2nd place after 9 out of 16 races for the championship.
"Well, I don't want to say, this is more than I expected, but that's how it feels. Now I have to stay cool and go for more good results this season. Also I want to thank my family and friends and all those great people who support my career", WW reported after the race at Las Vegas.
Some prominent sponsors were lately seen to visit the management of the young Austrian.

am 2015-07-25 15:13:53 von PaleRider
Likes: 2 | Bewertung: 3.33

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