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Pressemitteilungen - Interviewing Wais before end of S13; Goals for next season and big races this week

Interviewing Wais before end of S13; Goals for next season and big races this week

Interviewer: Wais, you've ended your rookie season on a high, brought in some results in the top 10, how do you review it?
Wais: Well, it was kinda fun, I had a brilliant race at Macau, qualifying 26th then finished 5th, thanks to the DNFs and mistakes and then the safety car, it was under mixed conditions so the rain adores me pretty much.
I: Moving on the NA Streets Series, it was reported you and Alex Skinner were team-mates.
W: Well, he got me on the first half cause I didn't finish much races but I out-peformed him in the 2nd half and took alot of points.
I: And the finale...
W: It was fun, I had to recover after retiring from the first race, making mistakes wich were annoying and kept the car outside the barriers luckily. Finally I was set to finish 9th but two drivers took a hit and I took 7th, Alex was close but we could've done double points.
I: And now onto F3 America Weekend closer.
W: Don't talk to me about it, I had a problem managing the brakes in both of the races, we qualified 7th but we went backwards on race peformance, I matched lap times to the leaders and then I knew that without it we could've gotten some good results to end it on a high.
I: Next season, you're staying but you're having the Honda engine, more quicker and reliable, do you expect to fight for the title?
W: I always work to improve my driving race by race, winning 2 races in the wet were fun but this time I got to win in the dry too, I got a more competitive and reliable package than last season. Other drivers will step up so the competition will be intresting indeed.
I: How are you going to prepare it?
W: More training, I'll be at Uni for a week so I won't be able to race for the rest of the season. Jackson was close to getting the champ but I'd like to congrulate Rich for winning it, it was fun, I wanted to take a top 10 in champ but I had a disadantvage in terms of finishing races like I said. Consistency will really the key this season, Rich demonstrated it now hopefully it's my turn.

am 2015-06-07 22:23:33 von ThatFPM8Guy
Likes: 4 | Bewertung: 6.77

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