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Pressemitteilungen - Audi Release two cars!

Audi Release two cars!

The Audi Motorsport F1 team tonight unveiled their livery of their s13 car.

Audi, who recently took over from Team Europe have unveiled the design of their first car. they have high hopes that this car, paired with Jukna And Botta will provide them a serious improvment over last season.

In addition the MRC team have also release and new private car. the Audi R8 has been developed in conjunction with the team and they hope it will give you all much driving pleasure.

Details of the specification of the S13 car should be forthcoming at the start of S13.

am 2015-03-22 22:54:49 von thedonz
Likes: 7 | Bewertung: 10.95

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